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Kid Icarus Uprising

Started by Neerb, October 05, 2011, 07:38:36 PM

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Quote from: Not Sad Keanu on March 20, 2012, 06:15:58 PM
Kayo, we aren't making a judgement based on only one review.

Everyone is mentioning how awkward and painful the controls are. I don't know why you're conveniently and blatantly ignoring all the criticism this game is getting regarding its controls. You're really acting like it doesn't exist. It's pretty perplexing.

I thought Neerb was into this game more than you were, but clearly not, as you can't stop riding its dick.
It's because none of you have played the game so you can't have opinions on the controls, lol.

When one person whines about the controls, everyone starts whining. Half of it's probably a placebo effect: If you play the game EXPECTING painful controls, that's what you'll get.

Seriously, you people have absolutely no right to form opinions on the controls you have never used. But who am I kidding, you all love whining so much you're gonna complain that the controls are poop just because that's what everyone's been doing so far.

I'm totally going to ignore criticism that's based solely on something I have no way of proving/disproving myself. I'll wait and play it myself, but even if the controls don't feel like an Xbox 360 controller in my hand, I'M NOT GOING TO RUIN THE GAME FOR MYSELF.

And it seems you've all forgotten about the FREE stand you get, which I guarantee will stop the controls from being unreasonably uncomfortable, even in the eyes of all of you.

EDIT: The best part is I have no clue who I just replied to. Fucking name changes.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


first its not ONE person, as just stated

second, I've played a poop ton of DS games with the same control scheme, and they all play terribly, so it doesn't take much to figure out where these reviewers are coming from.
~~ <3


NO way in HELL it's enough to ruin the game in any way. No way in hell. You'd probably have to be playing it for multiple hours at once before it "hurts".
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


holy intercourse  its still getting 8.5s who the intercourse  said it was ruined
~~ <3


I'm Zero

We haven't played the game yet you say, so we can't make any judgements. Yet, you yourself are defending the game without playing it. Your logic is full of holes. Your "plague" approach to criticism makes no sense. If a bunch of people identify a problem that doesn't mean they are only noting the problem because someone else did.

I'm still going to give the game a chance, but all I've been saying is that:

From people who have played it, we've gotten the impression that the controls are less than stellar. This is a fact. They've played it. You haven't. End of story. Play it for yourself if you need convincing, but not a single review I've read has mentioned the controls positively. The most positive comments regarding controls I've seen are "interesting to say the least" and "they definitely take getting used to".

The Destructoid review discusses the stand and how the stand has some pros and cons. So I'm not sure why you think the stand remedies the situation completely. That's an assumption that I myself am not willing to make simply because I don't like to be tied down when playing a handheld game.


Quote from: Not Sad Keanu on March 20, 2012, 09:59:54 PM
The Destructoid review discusses the stand and how the stand has some pros and cons. So I'm not sure why you think the stand remedies the situation completely.

Adding to that: IGN, who gave a far better score than Destructoid, even went so far as to say the stand was completely useless, as it has to be on just the right sized desk for you to see the 3D and hold it comfortably without hunching over. Not a problem for me, though, given I have just such a work desk that I sit at for gaming anyway.


Quote from: Not Sad Keanu on March 20, 2012, 09:59:54 PM
I'm Zero

We haven't played the game yet you say, so we can't make any judgements. Yet, you yourself are defending the game without playing it. Your logic is full of holes. Your "plague" approach to criticism makes no sense. If a bunch of people identify a problem that doesn't mean they are only noting the problem because someone else did.

I'm still going to give the game a chance, but all I've been saying is that:

From people who have played it, we've gotten the impression that the controls are less than stellar. This is a fact. They've played it. You haven't. End of story. Play it for yourself if you need convincing, but not a single review I've read has mentioned the controls positively. The most positive comments regarding controls I've seen are "interesting to say the least" and "they definitely take getting used to".

The Destructoid review discusses the stand and how the stand has some pros and cons. So I'm not sure why you think the stand remedies the situation completely. That's an assumption that I myself am not willing to make simply because I don't like to be tied down when playing a handheld game.

Actually, I've been VERY careful as to NOT defend the game. I'm taking a completely neutral stance on it, and I think you're pulling me "defending the game without playing it" right out of your ass. I never said the controls did or didn't cause discomfort, I just said they might or might not, and we can't be sure. Because we can't. None of us have played it, so we can't jump to the same conclusions as the reviewers do. Just because they say it'll be uncomfortable, doesn't mean I'll be expecting that. They might not bother me. They might not bother a lot of people.

Also, people always seem to be a little iffy toward controls that are different than the basic stuff they're used to. "Definitely take getting used to" isn't necessarily negative. It's different than what everyone's been doing for years, so of course it will. Doesn't necessarily make it bad.

But yeah, I'm not defending the game's controls at all. if you read all my posts, you'll notice that I'm more neutral with a "Just wait and see for yourself" attitude than making one-sided defenses.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


so "the reviewers are all wrong its impossible for a game to be that bad" is more neutral than "hm maybe the reviewers are right, it certainly seems logical considering they all agree"
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on March 21, 2012, 12:33:59 PM
so "the reviewers are all wrong its impossible for a game to be that bad" is more neutral than "hm maybe the reviewers are right, it certainly seems logical considering they all agree"
Please show me where I said ANYTHING even close to that first "quote".
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Every single post you've made in the thread.

Please show me where you said anything even close to neutral.
~~ <3


*ignoring Kayo's 3-front war on NSFCD*

The last of the anime has begun; Palutena's Revolting Dinner Part 1, by SHAFT, is out now, and part two will likely come before Friday. This is easily my favorite one yet; it's well animated, decently voice acted, cheesiness galore, etc. Thanatos Rising was like a mediocre video game cutscene, and Medusa's Revenge was like a cool sizzle reel, but Palutena's Revolting Dinner is the first one to truly make me feel like I'm watching an anime; kinda makes me glad they released them from worst to best, as it's helped build my hype for the actual game.

I do hope we can keep these anime, somehow; there don't seem to be any high-quality Youtube versions, but perhaps Nintendo can reupload them themselves, or, and I know this is a stretch, perhaps all six are actually in the special features of the game itself!


It's completely reasonable to rely on a consensus of others' opinions to develop a basis of what to expect before playing a game. That's part of the reason most people read reviews, if not the main reason people read reviews.

Honestly I'm not really sure of what to say to Kayo regarding this subject anymore. I've been trying to be nice to Kayo. So instead of being a dick I'll just say that I have to agree with Zeph. He's been anything but neutral.


Antony Del Rio retweeted one of my Kid Icarus excitement tweets. I feel special.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Has anyone here ever heard or seen Antony Del Rio in ANYTHING before this game? Because he's not half bad at voice acting, but I had no idea who the guy was.


Quote from: The True Nicolas Cage on March 21, 2012, 06:37:23 PM
Has anyone here ever heard or seen Antony Del Rio in ANYTHING before this game? Because he's not half bad at voice acting, but I had no idea who the guy was.
Nothing before the game, but he's pretty intercourse in' awesome.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.