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The Misadventures Of Super Smash Bros. Series 1!

Started by thunderhero4, December 14, 2007, 08:30:30 PM

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Chapter 2: How the grinch stole our christmas... :(

Ok, lets see, next chapter, right....where did we leave off? OH YEAH! it was when i scored the moolah off some poor green sucker, and the grinch became a newcomer in ssbb (replacing mario, who mysteriously disapeared ::))

Our story continues, this time we will all know the true reason of ssbb's delay!


Grinch: I think this is the place...

The Grinch reaches Sora LTD....the palce where ssbb is developed...cept I turned it pink cuz im awesome!

He opens the doors and enters...

Grinch: Hello? Anybody here?

All the workers peek out of their offices in confusion...THEY DONT SPEAK ENGLISH! :D

A guy:  ????

*sigh* must I do everything to make this story readable?! Fine, ill give them english speech, quit whining! :P

A guy: Hello?

Grinch: Who are you?

A guy: I dunno, were held slave here to make awesome games...I was never told my name...

Grinch: I pity you...

He walks through the building until he reaches Sakurai's office...

Sakurai: And you are?

Grinch: Im the here because im in ssbb....

Sakurai: No, your not...

Grinch: IM NOT!?

*camera freezes*

Whoa whoa whoa! Whos this Sakurai guy anyway?! He has no right saying that, it ruins the story...


......*cricket noise*

oh yeah, i forgot im writing this story....ill do it...

So sakurai disappears, and i take his place, so i will be the creator of ssbb in this story! Got a problem? go to our complaint box....we'll check it some day....

Brandon: Ahem, I mean of course your in could I have forgot you?

Grinch: You look vaguely familiar all of the sudden...i feel as if i need to beat you senseless...

Brandon: You must be confused with Lucas, he rips people off on highways...

Lucas then enters, because i made him, its my story after all... :P

Grich: SO IT WAS YOU!!

Lucas: WHA!?

*Grinch beats him senseless....*

Lucas: OMG! Im telling mommy!

he bolts, the fool....

Brandon: But i still havent added you to the game yet...

Grinch: Why not!?

Brandon: Err....cuz you are most important, I save the best for last...

Grinch: Ah, yes good...

Brandon: But it will take a bit more time to produce the game, i will now release it Feb. 10th....

Grinch: As long as im in it...

Brandon: Exactly!

So you get the point, i postponed the game to let the grinch be in...the same move that sakurai pulled....fact....

Oh by the way, here comes an interesting plot twist:

Grinch: Thanks, tell me when its finished...

Brandon: Righto!

As he walks out, a creature blocks him....

Voltimort: Excuse me sir, i believe i was invited into a fancy video game?

Brandon: Yes, Mr. Dark Lord, you will be in...

Voltimort: Excellent boy...i shall see you on its release...

Brandon: Right...

The grinch and voltimort leave, and marks the end of this chapter, sorry it wasnt very actiony...but im saving that stuff for chapter 4 and up, when the tournament starts, so look forward to that...

What will happen next in the series? The answer: Something....

Until then, keep singing the blues clues theme song to keep your mind busy...see ya!



Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Totally random, like my fan ficton, I like it, keep them coming!

