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Pit's Journey: Most recent chapter: Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey

Started by fredrickthethird, December 15, 2007, 10:21:12 AM

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Should I reveal how many Key shards there are in the intro to Chapter 9

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New color Purple is getting old

Chapter 6: Yoshizilla
Jim: It's seven now and the group is waking up from a nap to see that Yoshizilla just ate the Yoshice (The band) and let everyone out of jail. Now his eggs are acting as jail cells for anyone who gets in his way

Diddy and Pit: Let's go defeat Yoshizilla (Ogoshi and Yosherrif appear)

Ogoshi and Yosherrif:We'll help

Lanky: (hands the two each a translator) If he has ears we won't need your help.(everyone goes outside. He then blows up like a balloon but gets the old engine spat at him and gets eaten with the engine still up his rear)

Yoshizilla: Me no like the Yoshi leaders.(Eats Ogoshi and Yosherrif)

Yoshing: I'll help.

DK: Do you know any way to shrink him down.

Yoshing: Yes, the mustache of an italian man.

All but Yoshing, Yoshizilla, and the people currently in eggs: Will!

Tiptup: Link go get Will your the most intimidating.

Yoshing: There's an escape root in my old prison cell that leads right to Will's lair ok.

Link: ok.(he arrives in Wiils lair and pulls out his sword) Will come with me or I'll cut off the nail on your left pinky toe.

Waluigi: Ok but call me waluigi.

Link: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waluigi: SIR YES SIR

DK: Link give him to me I'll give him a good toss.

Waluigi: What, I never agreed to that!

Link: So what, here DK.(Dk throws him in)

Yoshizilla: Nooo!

Yoshi: Yay I'm not that big freak any more that Kamek and fox turned me into.

Diddy: so Fox is behind this, big surprise. (all of yoshizilla's eggs break)


Pit: Hey Yosherrif and Ogoshi, I advise you to clean our room up the Kongs made quite a mess.(the pair ran off)

Ogoshi Sr.: Well now that I'm normal again I better take over for my son Ogoshi Jr.

Pit: Your son?

Ogoshi Sr.: Of course, do you think someone that young could be yoshident without family connections.

Pit: Good point, Well I'll seeya then Ogoshi.

Ogoshi Sr.: Bye

Yoshing: (to the Yoshice the band) Hey guys do you think we can get back together, there's a tournament going on called Super smash bros. brawl and it would make alot of money.

The Yoshice: Okay we'll seeya there, but the plane is damaged so there is only room for us, you'll have to get your own ride.


Diddy: Hey this egg shell would make a great replacement basket.

Pit: Your right good find, That is now our new basket.

Yoshing: Pit I need a ride to Super Smash Bros. Brawl can I come with you guys. Yes and my dad William Yoshatner will also be pairing up with your Narrator.

Jim: Hey you don't talk about the narrator on the set.

William Yoshatner: Not even just a little bit

Jim: No.

Pit; Mister Yoshatner sounds funny

Jim: no thinking about them either.

Diddy: Lanky come on

Lanky: I give up.

Lanky; Ow this stupid barrel hurts more.

Yoshing: Hey look there's the Yoshice's plane in the distance.

Tiptup: THAT'S MY PLANE!Lanky change direction toward that plane

Lanky: Gladly



Tiptup: (Lanky lands and tiptup gets inside through the back) Hey, Yoshice, give me back my plane you thieves. Don't say it's not mine my name is still inscrbed on the wall under this piece of carpeting.

Yoshice: Crap, we never thought it was you who owned the plane.

Tiptup: Yes you did I can see Will and Kamek hiding behind the wall and they work for Fox and he'll knows everything about us by now.

All but Tiptup: Crap (Kamek teleports everyone out then Tiptup lands the plane. Everyone gets out of the hot air balloon and Tiptup gets out of the plane)

Tiptup: The Yoshice work for Fox, Will and Kamek were on the plane and Kamek got him out of there.

Yoshing: What! I can't believe I took the blame for them when they crashed a plane with a rock.

Tiptup, Lanky, and Link:  IT WAS THEM!!!

Yoshing: that was this plane wasn't it.

Tiptup: Yes

Yoshing: They must of crashed so they could take it for themselves.

Diddy: Guys be quiet I hear something.

?: Smee be quiet.

Smee: But I saw people Captain Hook.

Captain Hook: Where.

Smee: Over there Captain.

Captain Hook: I see them.(Captain Hook and Smee walk over to the group)Are you spies for that wretched Pan.

Pit: No

Pit; Peter lives here, being a flying boy and a frequent vistor to Heaven I thought he'd live somewhere better.

?: Pit?

Pit: Peter!

Yoshatner: Will the group join with Peter? Will Captain Hook divert his attention to the group instead of Peter? Who else will the group meet on their Journeys?

Jim: Find out next time.

Yoshatner: can I call them the gang instead of the group, the group sounds so glum, like when Yoshtar Trek went off the air and I was out of a job.

Jim: Do whatever you want I don't care.

Chapter 7: Fun with Peter Pan


Feel free to comment


I think adding Disney is.................good..........I think......


Chapter 7: Fun With Peter's Pan

Jim: It's fun with Peter's Pan not fun with Peter Pan, he's Disney you twit. I knew I shouldn't've let you write chapter names.

Yoshatner: Ok just shutup and let me start the chapter. Me and Jim made a compromise we switch off with our narrating. Well if you thought Peter Pan was coming you're wrong, but Peter's pan is, here's what I mean.

Diddy: (Pit wakes up) Pit are you okay? Some guy hit you with a pan that says Peter on it and you went out cold.

Pit: I had a weird dream with some guy named Peter Pan, that must be why.

DK: This pan is awesome it can dispense bacon just by shaking it up and down, it looks burnt but it's delicious, and it can really hurt people if they don't catch in either their hand or mouth.

Lanky: Wee, fun with Peter's Pan.

Link: Guy's this sign says that there's a city here called Zone, and all the words are written in 3D eccept for zone, odd.

Tiptup: (They're all now in the odd town with everything flat, now including themselves who are all in old style form) Guys I can't move one of you will have to carry me. (Dk picks him up)

Lanky: Why haven't I changed.

Diddy: You have no oldstyle form.

Lanky: neither does Tiptup.

Tiptup: Yeah but I'm pretty sure my form was used as someone's weapon, like the pan that I think comes from here, beacause I can't move on my own.

Lanky: well since I'm the most capable I'll take the lead.

Everyone but Lanky: Grrrr.

Lanky: Just try to get me none of you are fast enough for 3D man.

Old style Bowser: roar (he starts weakly spitting fire at the group)

Lanky: hyaah (bowser goes flying)

Old style Mario: Thank you.

DK: Grrr. (throws barrel at mario and he jumps up blushes screams and falls).

Lanky; How'd he fall through the ground? Weird.


Pit: don't be scared we won't hurt you, you can uncover your eyes.

Boo:..... (continually covers his eyes)

Lanky: weird come on( the group passes him and he begins to follow)

Boo: (enters Lanky and he turns into old style mario)

DK: gur (begins throwing barrels and Lanky blows up like a balloon (funny))

Lanky: (hits a large key and pops turning back into his orangatan form)

?: Hey you got red pixels on my key.

Lanky: Sorry, and who are you.

Mr. Game and Watch: Mr. Game and Watch now give me my Pan.

Lanky: It says Peter.

Mr. Game and Watch: The guy I bought it from was named Peter now give me back my pan or I'll be forced to hurt you.

Lanky: Okay here (smacks Mr. Game and Watch with the pan and carrys him out to the 3D forest where they found the sign) Fox.

Fox: Stupid E. Gadd I knew I couldn't trust him.

Lanky: Ah so E. Gadd made you appear as Mr. Game and Watch.

Fox: Yes. That fool ows me 20 bucks, he said I would stay in that form in the 3D world.

Mr. Game and Watch: (real Mr. Game and Watch enters) You fraud I will kill you, you made me look like a thief. ( Pulls out a turtle and starts beating on Fox)

Tiptup: Hey that's offensive to my race.

Mr. Game and Watch: sorry (pulls out pan and puts away turtle beats on fox with the pan)

Lanky: I thought this was the only one.

Mr. Game and Watch: No, they're all over in Flat Zone.

Link: Thats why zone wasn't written in 3D.

Yoshing: (eats Fox) Have fun in there.

Jim: The egg starts on fire and begins to fly away but the egg breaks and fox falls out with a souvenir.

Fox: What's wrong with my toung.

Yoshing: You never come out right when the egg starts on fire. Thats a yoshi toung and you probably already know what it does.

Fox: NO! I can't eat anymore without turning my food into an egg. I NEED E. GADD!!!( goes fox fire and flys away)

Mr. Game and Watch: Can I come with you guys

Lanky: (hits Mr. Game and Watch with his pan and throws Mr. Game and Watch's away) I like to be one of a kind. (drags him into the egg)

Mr. Game and Watch: (wakes up) Where's my pan?

Lanky: Big bird just swooped down knocked you out and flew away with your pan.I tried to save it.

Mr. Game and Watch: Hey look it's a big bird carrying my pan (reaches ket out and takes the pan away with it) Well how 'bout my luck.Thank you birdy.

Birdy: You are very welcome sir.

Yoshatner: How did the birdy talk? Will Mr. Game and Watch find out about the stunt Lanky pulled? Will E. Gadd be able to cure Fox's toung? Find out next time

Chapter 8: Fox's Helper's curtisy of E. Gadd


Chapter 8: Fox's Helpers Curtisy of E. Gadd
Jim: You know Fox needs some partners but who else would want to take revenge on Pit and the gang, here's who.

E. Gadd: Fox, what do you need?

Fox: For my toung to be restored and some helpers to get those stupid people who keep foiling my plots for revenge.

E. Gadd: Here just eat this for the toung.

E. Gadd; The idiot, everyone should know there's side effects to burning the yoshi egg your in.

Fox: Alright, toungs good, now I need helpers.

E. Gadd: Come here you two, I have a third person who want's to take revenge on the people that defeated you two.

?+?: Hi.

Fox: Who are you two

K. Rool: I'm K. Rool, The Kong and Pit deafeated me in emmbaressment , one of the Kong annoyed me to defeat.

Ganondorf: I'm Ganondorf, I was recently hit by Link in a plane he must of borrowed from a friend.

Fox: I like you two, let's start plotting.

Fox; The croc's not that good but I like this Ganondorf.
Tiptup: Hey Link there's a scratch on the front of my plane do youknow what that is from?

Link: (hurriedly) Nope not a clue.

Palutena communicating though telekinesis to Pit: Pit you need to get a key to get into the tournament, but the key you need is in shards, but I don't know how many, but there's a shard where Tiptup lives so lead your group there.

Pit: Tiptup, go to your home with the Zoras there's something we need there.
E. Gadd: Remember guys collect the shards to get inot the tournament where Pit and his friends will definitely be heading.

Ganondorf: I believe there's a shard where the Zora's, and some kind of turtle, live.

Fox: Tiptup.
Pit: you know there was some kind of stone I had that lead me there with fire but I think that's gone now.

Lanky: Do you mean this thing, it got stuck in my ear when we got to the lake and I got it out when the birdy flew by, I'll light it with my pan now.

Tiptup: wo the plane's gonna crash in the water

Plane: splash

Lanky: No now we're gonna have to use the ballon again.

?: Nonsense, I'll fix your plane, Tiptup is our friend and this is his plane, I'll have some of the Zora's fix it up new.

Link and Tiptup: Ruto!

Ruto: Link is with you as well, I'll have to help you. Hey Link there's and old friend of yours looking for you, I sent him to Ordon village.

Link: Oh, I guess I'll go visit him when I see him

Ruto: He's an odd, and very short fellow, I'm sure you just helped him out a bit and he wants to repay you.

Link: Hmm, ok then.

Ruto: Oh and Link, some odd man dressed in purple came and took something from the bottom of the lagoon, I'm surprised he could hold his breath so long the man was skinnyer than a twig.
Waluigi: (his phone starts to ring) Hey Wario are you almost here.

Wario: yeah I'm just taking a stolen canoe down to where you're at right now.

Waluigi: Ok then you'll be here in a few minutes. Oh and I found this thing in lagoon a bit away, it's shiny and looks like the tip of a key.

Wario: Great, I like shiny.(arrives to Waluigi's location) Let's take a look at the shiny thing.

Waluigi: Here (gives Wario key shard)

Wario: That's part of a key needed to get into the Tournament Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I ahve a few myself.(pulls out three key shards)

Waluigi: All right, I guess I'll come with you.

Wario: Who's voice is that.

Waluigi: Pit's, the person I want to take my vengence on.

Wario: Sweet some action, I haven't seen any of this since I moved to the city.

Pit: Will and ummmm.

Wario: Wario! And he's Waluigi, not Will

Pit: So.

Fox: Pit, Waluigi, and ummm.

Wario: WARIO!

Link: Ganondorf

Pit and the Kongs: K. Rool!

Lanky: Hey Will and Wario have 4 key shards

Everyone but Waluigi+Wario: Get him

Rpg style battle[/glow]
Group attack on Waluigi.

Waluigi auto KO

Wario attacks Yoshing 90 damage done with body slam.

Yoshing HP: 60

Yoshing swallows Wario

K. Rool body slams egg Wario doing 130 damage times 2 beacause he's in an egg.

Wario: KO'd
Rpg style battle 2[/glow]
Link: Shoots light arrow at Ganondorf with a follow up stab through the chest while he's on the ground doing a phenomenal 280 damage

Ganondorf HP: 20

Tiptup does a light kick wich does 20 damage Koing Ganondorf with another chance to attack

Tiptup follows up with a spin out doing 60 damage at Fox

Fox's HP: 90

Pit summons centurians koing fox and taking down 300 of K. rool's large health bar.

K. Rools health: 700

The Kong's a group attack all playing there instruments taking out 500 HP from K. Rool.

K. Rool's HP: 200

Yoshing swallows K. Rool and Mr. Game and watch does a  weak key stab doing 100 times 2 beacause of the egg, KOing K. Rool.

Rpg style battle Over[/glow]

Pit: Sweet now we have 4 key shards while going after one.

Yoshing: Hey there's supposed to be a key shard powering the stuff in Will's lair.

Pit: Then back to Yoshi's island
E. Gadd: The Boo bots are almost complete and soon I'll be able to send my boo's all over the world to find people to "work for" who will actually follow almost everything I say. If only I could get Pit on my side but with Palutena on his I could never trick him, But maybe with these two who are one surveillance could help work for me when I finish the boo bots, I'm sure my apprentice could pass a bot as a pet, he's quite an odd fellow.
?: Chunky what's that.

Chunky: I don't know Zelda but it's very shiny.

Yoshatner: Who is E. Gadd's apprentice? How dangerous are the boo bots? When did Zelda and Chunky meet up? How did Wario get the key shards and how does he know what they are? How many key shards are there in total? Find out next time.

Jim: Vote to find out the answer to the last question sooner than when they are all collected. I might put it in the intro to

Chapter 9: The Apprentice of E. Gadd


please comment


Chapter 9: The Apprentice of E. Gadd
Yoshatner: There was no voting so I guess I'll post it anyways, There is 1500 shards, big key huh.

E. Gadd: Dimentio I need your help.

Dimentio: What do you need me for, something about the boo bots I'm guessing.

E. Gadd: Yes, I need you to pass this boo bot off as a pet of yours and trick these two into joining me, be careful it's the first.

Dimentio: Ok that'd be fine, but I plan on keeping this thing when everything is said and done.

E. Gadd: Just go.
Link: Wait Pit I apparently have a friend waiting for me in Ordon.

Pit: Ok.

Ruto: Tiptup your plane is all fixed up.

Tiptup: Ok. Thanks Ruto.

Lanky: Thank goodness.

Pit: Ok Pit, you heard Link, to Ordon to get Link's friend.(the gang arrive in Ordon)

?: Link I haven't seen you in such a long time.

Link: Tingle, same to you.

Tingle: Yeah, hey I found this map that has all these little key lookin things on it, and the position sometimes changes, like it says there's some right in front of me. Someguy told me I needed this to get to Super Smash Bros. Brawl so I aint ever givin this up to anybody.

Link: Well we really need that so can you come with us we have the pieces ourselves.

Tingle: What are these thing anyway?

Link: Key shards we need a bunch of them to get into Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Tingle: Oh

Pit: Ok guys let's go get the piece from Will's lair.

Mr. Game and Watch: It's more than just one piece, it's 5, I guess you need alot to power computers.

DK: (the gang arrives in Wills lair) Well come on Link let's get to smashing

Link: With pleasure.

Mr. Game and Watch: (after all the pieces are retrieved) Hey there's another one on the island.

Lanky: Hey that's where I buried the engine, Cranky must of put that in there to make it so easy for Diddy's rockets and DK's barrel to push. Oh and I call smashing it.Weeee. smash smash (the engine breaks reaveling the gold sphere that acts as the other tip of the key) Where's lucky piece # 11?

Mr.Game and Watch: On it's way to 100 other pieces.

Tingle: That must be that filthy E. Gadd's lair, he tried to sell me a map to a mansion while I was on the job, but he did have a lot of cool gadgets.

Pit: Let's go to E. Gadd's, I've heard Fox talk about him there's bound to be a good fight there.
E. Gadd: (knock on his door) Come in!

Waluigi:Hey E. Gadd we need to destroy Pit and his stupid friends.

Wario: Yeah he stole all my key shards.

E. Gadd; He knows, I hope he doesn't find out about the 100 in my lair and the 5 in Waluigi's.

E. Gadd: Alright, I'll send you a very powerful fighter,  Bowser get in here.

Bowser: Yes sir?

E. Gadd: These two need some help with some annoying visitors, now go grab Kamek in the back and he can fly you three around so you can destroy Pit and his friends.

Bowser: Ok ( grabs Kamek and leaves. More knocking on the door)

E. Gadd: Come in.

Dimentio: Hi E. Gadd, these are my new friends Chunky and Zelda, they need some type of transportation to a place called Super Smash bros. Brawl.

E. Gadd: Ok. Now Dimentio let me talk to you in here for a moment. Alright Dimentio, hide this from them and when I send the signal to boo bot you trophy the two of em. Now go take them somewhere.

Dimentio: Ok. Hey come on you two let's teleport out of here.( he takes them both but Zelda for some reason accidentally telports at the same time and the two teleports split Chunky sending him to the world where the angels live)

Chunky: Where am I

Palutena: That doesn't matter, but I need your help I need you to join my angel Pit, just find him with this compass, you can reach him with flight.

Chunky: You mean I'm dead?

Palutena: Not any more, now go.

Chunky: (spots Pit and the kongsand hurriedly flies to there plane) DK, Lanky, Diddy!

All Kongs but Chunky: Chunky!

Chunky: Pit I was sent here by Palutena to help you with the journeys ahead.

Pit: Ok(cut off in mis k)

Diddy: You have wings!

Chunky: Yeah I got killed by two people at a time teleporting me and then Palutnea brought me back as an angel to help Pit and you guys, I'm just surprised that the person she sent me to help was teamed up with family.

Pit: well we're headed right down there to get us a bunch of key shards.

Chunky: That's E. Gadd's house, that's where I died in the teleport accident.

Pit: More reason to take down the kook and his lab.

Chunky: It's probably all in the robots the guys making.

Pit: Then let's destroy the robots.

Yoshing: (the group sneak in through the large chimney landing right into the room where the bots are being kept, while the machine is charging) There's only fifty.

Chunky: Smash smash smash (he collects the fifty shards)

Pit: the next one is probably in the machine and the computer. Tingle get in your the smallest.

Tingle: Ok(get's into the machine fighting off mini boos and comes out with fourty shards. He then enters the computer extracting the remaining ten)

E. Gadd: Hey you twerps come back with my key shards.Uggh. (typing) Dimentio time to trophyfy Zelda and have Kamek ship her here, and I know Chunky's gone so don't fret. I've still got the two boo's that are powered by the two of the last 3 boos still at the mansion. Alright you two, take these guns two Wario and bowser and tell them everything.
Zelda: hah great Dimentio, not so great as a trophy are we, come on, I mean you pulled a gun on a teleporter, being one your self I thought you would know better.(sending message from her boo to E. Gadd) Nice try but Dimentio's the trophy now. (typing done) Now boo take this gun and this trophy to E. Gadd then stay with him.

Jim: How long will it take the gang to get all 1500 key shards? Will Zelda catch up with the gang? How far will E. Gadd now go to kill Zelda, Pit, and Pit's gang? Will Fox's group get guns to? Find Out next time.

Chapter 10: E. Gadd's best troops and the second power source


DAMIT! I WAS GOING TO USE DIMENTION IN LATER CHAPTERS OF MY FAN FICTION!.......But I'll choose him still, let me guess, Tiny will appear later, right?