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The World of Super Heroes

Started by THEBIRD, December 22, 2007, 06:44:29 PM

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Nathan watched as well, sitting against a tree.


Lucid would normally wait for Fresco to  make a move, but he was training the kid. So, he swung around with a kick.

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Fresco couldn't remember what Lucid could do, besides take images from your thoughts. But, how could he turn that into a pro for himself? Fresco grabbed Lucid's leg and pushed him back, freezing it so it was slippery as well.


Lucid slipped and fell. He quickly got back up.  He's looking for a weakness......Hmmm......Mine could be fatal to me.......but....I could make.....less fatal.....Hmm....

Lucid wrote in the air, I can conjure your thoughts too. And the message was gone quickly.

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Hm...Is it possible that Lucid is already giving out a possible weakness? He thought to himself as he read what Lucid wrote in the air.


Ooc// idk what I jsut did.....I needed a way to get a weakness to Fresco. X(

Ic// What he just did hit Lucid hard. But he quickly shook it off, and charged Fresco.

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Fresco nodded. But would Lucid seriously fall for any thoughts that he would come up with? Stupidly, Fresco thought up a human sized T-rex. He can conjure the image, but he can't see what the personality is... Fresco thought, giving the T-rex his own little personality that could help Fresco more. He did it while still engaged in battle, trying to make it seem like it was just a random thought.


Ooc// Goin' to bed, I'll continue tomorrow.

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Spike picked up the card "hmm.., guess I go there" he began to look for the address on the card.


At noon I'm gonna be visiting family so, don't miss me!

Ic// Trying to be fair he created the thought. And a human sized T-Rex appeared.

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Fresco knew Lucid was going easy on him, but he took the advantage. Using his mind to control the T-rex, he told him what to do. Run after Lucid and hit him with your tail.


Mysterio decided he had done enough watching for the day and decided to teleport back to his home. Once there, he stayed in his costume and waited for Spike.


spike walked up to  Mysterio "You left your card behind, but yet I saw you with the heros"


"I was with the heroes." He said. "But that doesn't make me a hero myself." He said smiling although he had the mask on.
