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Darkrai's Plot: A Pokemon Role Play: Signups Open!!!!!!!

Started by jnfs2014, January 15, 2008, 05:39:44 PM

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"I think I'll be good," Kristal replied, and she began to walk to her base. "Thanks for helping!" She called back.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((this is a picture of spike done by me


"No problem. I'm sure we'll meet again."

As Spike waved goodbye, Trigger nudged him and said with a sarcastic look.

"You got a thing for her don't ya Spike?"

"Don't be such a smartass Trigger!" Spike did actually have a feeling for her, it just seemed that he should do whatever it takes to make sure she's safe.

What is this feeling...


After a while, Kristal finally arrived back at the base. Home sweet home... She thought as she opened the door. She wasn't used to be alone, especially at night. Kyle... She clutched her necklace as if it were Kyle himself.'re right. I need to become stronger. Maybe this entire experience will let that happen. I just hope we can be together again sometime soon. She proceeded to her bedroom, and fell asleep. The moon was still high in the sky.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Hey Spike, mind if I stay over at your place tonight? The next few days I have a break and I don't want to walk all they way here to my place."

"That's fine, but no eating at midnight! Last time I couldn't find the peanut butter but then saw it in the toilet, half gone."

Trigger chuckled, and they headed home.

When they got there, Spike plopped on his bed and Trigger headed over to the bale of hay, but stopped at the CDs. When Spike wasn't looking, Trigger found one that had the cover, "Hot Fuss" and put the CD in the machine. He pressed buttons until a song began to play with soft music and words began to say,

'I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all

It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss
It was only a kiss

Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke'

Already halfway and Spike tackled Trigger.


"Not exactly, just trying to see if your jealous."

"Of who? She's not with anybody!"


Spike socked Trigger in the face and Trigger got a big round bruise on his cheek.


"Will you shut up now?"
And she's taking a drag

Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head

But she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
Let me go

And I just can't look it's killing me
And taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis


((Crap, a love triangle is already beginning to form... XD))

Kristal began to sleep, and when she closed her eyes, a white owl appeared in front of her. She gasped, for she had never recalled seeing a creature like that before. She heard a woman's voice, and tried to find out where it came from.

San Merida... to San Merida...

San Merida? Where is that?

A cry that echoes through the years
Clears my mind of its deepest fears
If I can hear it why can't you?

Kristal looked in every direction, but all she could see was darkness. She could have sworn she had heard that voice before. But where?

Instantly, she woke back up. She gasped for air, and looked around her room. It was exactly like it was before she fell asleep. She sighed, and tried to fall back asleep. San Merida...
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Just something to make this story more interesting.))

After an hour later, Trigger was snoozing on the bed of hay, while Spike tossed and turned in his bed. Voices spoke to him.

Protect her...

Go to the sacred place...

Lake Desire...

That is where you'll find your answers...

Go now...

Take her with you...

You shall break the seal...

The curse shall be lifted....

"Get out of my head!"


((Wrongo. It's a song that was playing in Kristal's head. If you don't know the song, then you can't hear the voices.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.



Spike abruptly woke up from his sleep. He turned to see if he woke up Trigger. Trigger just yawned and ate some of the nearby hay.

Spike got out of bed and walked outside. He lay down and looked up at the moon. It was shining luminously and filled Spike with a sense of relaxation.

"I miss you dad....what do I do?.....I need your help..."

((preparing to do ripoff from famous disney movie. I'll give you a hint from initials, L.K.))


((Simba!! *Mufasa's face appears in the sky* You are my son, and the one true king. Go to Pride Rock, and overthrow Scar, and take his place as king.

Oops, wrong story. XD Thanks for editting.))

Kristal began to sleep, but the song still played over and over in her head...
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((No, it was like this.

Mufasa: You must take your place in the Circle of Life.

Simba: But how can I go back?

Mufasa: Remember...who you are...

and one question, does Kristal have an iPod lol?))

Then, as if it was answering Spike, a face of a deep eyed Marowak appeared in the midst of the clouds.

"Father?! Is that you?!" Spike asked.

"Yes, Spike, it's so good to see you, look how much you've grown.."

"Why couldn't you talk to me before?"

"Because God only lets you talk to your relatives every 15 years, no I'm just joking. You weren't old enough to truly make that decision in your heart, but now I can see you truly wanted to see me."

"Was it your voice I heard in my dreams?"


"Where is Lake Desire?"

"You will know soon enough, just follow the light in your heart that guides you, and you'll find help, a solution in destroying Darkrai."

"But father....don't go..." Spike said, tears swelling up in his eyes.

"Remember, you are my son, and I know that you will be able to defeat Darkrai...goodbye son..." And with that, the marowak disappeared from the sky.

After a while, Spike finally stood up.

"Don't worry father, I'll defeat Darkrai, I promise." And with that, Spike headed home to wake up Trigger.


((Nope. Well, she might have earlier... but we'll get to that eventually. Do you want to know how the San Merida Lullaby goes?

@Tri: We now continue where we left off...))

Kyle emerged from the portal in a dark area that seemed to be deep inside a cave. "Now what?" He called back to Darkrai.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Wow. Haven't looked at this in a while, but from what I gather, everyone's hearing music... Now I am too lazy to actually come up with a plotline for Darkrai and Kyle... That happens a lot. What do you want him to do?))


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on February 24, 2008, 10:38:37 AM
((Wow. Haven't looked at this in a while, but from what I gather, everyone's hearing music... Now I am too lazy to actually come up with a plotline for Darkrai and Kyle... That happens a lot. What do you want him to do?))
((Spike and Trigger were listening to Mr. Brightside by The Killers (good song), and Kristal heard the San Merida Lullaby from the Black Jack series in her sleep. Ozymandias... is somewhere. Apparently, Spike and Trigger stranded him where they left.

As for Darkrai and Kyle, look at my last post. It's an RP. Make it up as you go along! ;D))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Ah. And Wolfpika completely copies a scene from a Disney movie.


"Well," said Darkrai. "Perhaps we should test your loyalty..."

He gave an evil chuckle. "Don't worry. You won't be hurting your sister. Well, you might emotionally scar her, but that's irrelevant."