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New World ~ A Semi-lit Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Roleplay. (Open)

Started by Light, October 02, 2007, 06:22:40 PM

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"Just wait here for a sec, I'll be right back!" Wolf and Leslie quickly ran to their base, placed their starter kit away, and quickly joined up with Blast.

"Wanna head up to Mt.Freeze?" Wolf asked, hoping to get to see what's going on up there.


Ic// "Sure I don't mind." He hoped that he wouldn't see his other teamates on the way.

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So it was settled. Wolf and Leslie packed a couple of Oran Berries, one revival, and their Rescue Badge in case something went wrong.

"You getting anything?"


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Mark took a short break from taking down the trees; he looked around for a moment and noticed that a good bit of trees were taken down. "Heh, time sure does fly when you're having fun." He said to himself.


((Hey, I'm not always on!! I have homework and school, just like everyone else. Plus, I won't be on much this semester, since I have a LOT going on. Just to make this clear, I said it would help the RP if Blast joined InfernoBlaze. He didn't necessarily have to. Not all Explorers are evil. Only Fugue has other plans.

@Wolf: Grats on the rank up.))

Mori and Rakuro continued to walk until they reached Whishcash's pond. Talking to Whiscash was the person they needed to see; Alakazam.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


ooc//Sorry about that, it's my stupid first judge-mental decisions. and thanks! I'm a gerudo now!

inc// Wolf, Leslie, and Blast headed along the trail towards Mt.Freeze, until they came across a forest where they could hear shouting and the chopping of trees.

"Wonder what's going on over there." Leslie spoke.

"Let's go check it out!" Wolf said eagerly.

Wolf ran up ahead into the forest.

"Wolf! WOLF! Wo-oh not again. Someday, I'm gonna have to strap a leash on to his neck when we go on missions like these. Blast, can you catch up to him, I'm not that fast."


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Mark heard noises and quickly jumped up into the trees so he couldn't be seen. Now who else would want to come up here?...


Blast was going around the forest looking behind trees, inside bushes, up trees, anything he could think of.

Then he decided to call out his name:  "WOLF! WHERE ARE YOU?"

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Shane heard the loud noise of rampaging footsteps. Unwanted guests? He began to teleport to where he heard the noises.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Wolf heard Blast call for him. He decided to turn around when he noticed a dark shadow, looming in the tree. "Maybe I can surprise it..." He concentrated then roared as he leaped through the sky, sailed towards the figure, and crunched on his leg.


Shane appeared behind Mark and Wolf. He grinned. "Well well well... What do we have here?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


The crunch landed right on his leg. "Yeowwwwww!!!" He shouted trying his best to hold back his tears and then looked at Shane. "Oh...hey."  With that, his hand started to glow a dark purple and then  quickly slashed at Wolf.