
<+Clu> Silverhawk79 is just wrong for me

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Started by Jono2, January 20, 2009, 12:23:49 AM

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Quote from: Nayrman on January 20, 2009, 11:59:47 AM
Quote from: Tupin on January 20, 2009, 11:58:34 AM
Quote from: Nayrman on January 20, 2009, 11:53:30 AM
Quote from: Tupin on January 20, 2009, 11:52:29 AM
Quote from: Nayrman on January 20, 2009, 11:39:50 AM
1. Lol, his first presidential gaff happens three minutes after 12 o'clock.
2. NO MORE BUSH YAY! Jeb better quit thinking about running for President. After George's failures no one from the Bush family will be president for quite a while.
3. Ugh, I hate Rick Warren (the pastor). Oh a country were we're all equal and it's so great huh? Then why did you completely support Prop 8 to take away the rights of gay citizens to marry? I hate hypocrites so much
4. Why did John Williams write a piece for the inaguration? Better yet why was Spielberg there? X_X;;
Wait, Jeb Bush wants to run for president?

I would rather have Sara Palin than him.  :-\
It's rumored.
And I'd rather have Jeb than Palin. NO ONE is worse than Palin. And at least Jeb went to college for more than a year at a time X_X:;
What happened to her book she was going to write?
You think she's actually smart enough write past the first page?
I thought she would at least use a ghostwriter...

Still, I know it will be filled with quotes like "Me and John were such mavericky McMavericksons".

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I doubt it'd have complete sentences if there wasn't a ghost writer.
The democrats better hope Palin runs in four years. If she does they'll have an easy win.




Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on January 20, 2009, 12:12:17 PM
Nayr, you can be so brutally mean. :D
What? I speak the truth. She's the dumbest person to ever be considered a near top spot in the history of this country.
She's barely fit to be a city council person let alone Vice-President. But whatever, let the Alaskans vote for someone only because she's an "attractive" (although I use that term loosley, IMO she's creepy as hell) woman for purely that reason X_X;;


Personally, I hated both candidates. These are the best people we can put out to run for office? America should be ashamed.

I think that for the past few elections, Americans have been dumbpoops. The way I see it, Obama is going to have a below average-mediocre Presidency, but the media is going to make it look like the best, and the majority of Americans who can't think for themselves are going to accept it and put him office again.

And Nayr, even if Palin runs, I doubt she'll make it to the actual campaign. If she does, I foresee her dropping out within a month.


Quote from: Red on January 20, 2009, 12:20:42 PM
And Nayr, even if Palin runs, I doubt she'll make it to the actual campaign. If she does, I foresee her dropping out within a month.

If Clinton couldn't make it- but then again, knowing my fellow Americans...




Good luck to the man.

He's going to need it with the economy the way it is, and half the world ready to trounce on our current weakened state. And until proven otherwise, he's earned none of my respect and is just as much of a pretty face as Palin was/is.


Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 20, 2009, 02:14:26 PM
Good luck to the man.

He's going to need it with the economy the way it is, and half the world ready to trounce on our current weakened state. And until proven otherwise, he's earned none of my respect and is just as much of a pretty face as Palin was/is.
At least Obama got through college on his first try, and went to Harvard... so at least he's smarter than Palin.
But he has to actually do stuff first I agree.


intercourse  Obama. I'm gonna shoit you. Sorry 'bout that. I agree with PY. He won't get my respect unless he does something GOOD.


Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 20, 2009, 02:14:26 PM
Good luck to the man.

He's going to need it with the economy the way it is, and half the world ready to trounce on our current weakened state. And until proven otherwise, he's earned none of my respect and is just as much of a pretty face as Palin was/is.
I agree. All he's done is promise to do things.


I HOPE he CHANGES things and will create more UNTITY....

hehehe see what I did there?

Gwen Khan

Quote from: Phaze on January 20, 2009, 02:50:14 PM
Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 20, 2009, 02:14:26 PM
Good luck to the man.

He's going to need it with the economy the way it is, and half the world ready to trounce on our current weakened state. And until proven otherwise, he's earned none of my respect and is just as much of a pretty face as Palin was/is.
I agree. All he's done is promise to do things.

I agree, it's very easy to promise to change things


Quote from: Nayrman on January 20, 2009, 02:26:00 PM
Quote from: PsychoYoshi on January 20, 2009, 02:14:26 PM
Good luck to the man.

He's going to need it with the economy the way it is, and half the world ready to trounce on our current weakened state. And until proven otherwise, he's earned none of my respect and is just as much of a pretty face as Palin was/is.
At least Obama got through college on his first try, and went to Harvard... so at least he's smarter than Palin.
But he has to actually do stuff first I agree.

Bush also went to Harvard for business school. The school you go to means absolutely nothing.


He was a C+ student, though...

Anyone see that comparison of Obama now and in 2012? It already looked like he was getting there today.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.