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Started by Syncopathic, July 19, 2009, 04:05:05 PM

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1. I hate eye contact.
2. I speak really fast.
3. I'm only nice to people I know.
4. When I attempt to focus on something, I become so focused that I slip into a state of daydreaming. This was a problem in school.
5. I lose inspiration when I plan things out.
6. I'm very picky about some things.
7. I lose sanity at night. Completely.
8. I hardly ever finish what I start.


I fear competition...... I'm just not very competitive I feel.

I also have self issues.


Oh yeah another flaw:
I talk quietly, then when someone doesn't hear what I say, I repeat it in a rude/loud voice.....
Dude .


I'm quiet.  I'm not shy or anything, I odn't have a problem with talking to people or in front of a lot of people.  But on a regular basis, I'm just quiet. 

Procrastination, I'll stay up late on nights before project are due doing the entire thing right then.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Quote from: HTA on July 20, 2009, 08:25:48 AM
Hey Terriblefrog, stop being me.
It seems the trend that people who aren't socially active seek forums.

While I am "friends" with most of the student body because of my humor and whatnot, I'm not truly friends with many of them, you know?


1- I can't keep eye contact.  Why? Because I don;t feel the need to. If you were 2 feet in front of me I couldn't tell what color your eyes were because my vision is so bad. Better to just not look.

2- I procrastinate to the extreme. Still have a 700 page book to read and outline before the middle of August. Eh... I get all A's anyway.

Like before, I'll bold the most important stuff.

Looks like we have some things in common. Actually, it looks like a lot of the people on this forum share some flaws. I certainly see what you guys are talking about with eye contact. I have a problem with it too. Sometimes when I shake someone's hand, I'll accidentally look at our shaking hands instead of at the other person's eyes. I also feel like I'm staring after a while, especially when talking with girls. More specifically, HOT girls. Fortunately, I'm able to talk with girls, but unfortunately, I'm unable to start talking with them. It's very hard for me to start a conversation with them unless I know them well.

I also procrastinate a lot too. Teachers always assign a project and say, "... and don't wait 'til the night before to do it because it will show and I guarantee you that you won't get a good grade", but I've proved them wrong numerous times. :)

I'm also afraid of competition. Well, not really afraid, but definitely not interested in it. I hate to mention a Naruto character, as I heard not many of you like it, but I'm very much like Shikamaru ("Everything is such a drag").

I'm kind of self-conscious too. I have some acne; luckily, not too much on my face, but there's a bit right below the back of my neck and the backs of my shoulders. Plus, my hair is always messy. It's very curly (which is evident in pictures of me younger than 5 years old), but the way I brush/comb my hair (the way my parent's always did when I was young) it makes my hair kind of wavy and curly at the same time, but always messy. Some people say it looks like "pubes", and even though only a few of my friends have said that and they were half kidding (hopefully), that's when I started to become self-conscious about it. If you've seen my Xbox Live avatar, that's kind of what I look like, even the shape of the hair. The same goes for my acne (not the Xbox Live part). It was never that bad, but, again, my friends noticed it and I felt weird about it. I mostly got rid of it now though.

Adding on to my priorities from before, and kind of adding to my procrastination, I don't always put my best effort into things that don't matter (a.k.a. most of school). If I get straight C's on my report card, I'm fine with that. In fact, that's what I aim for: anything better than a D+. I just happen to get A's and B's. I have the potential to get straight A's and I know it, but I'm not interested in putting the time and/or effort into studying and all that, because then I wouldn't have a life (not that I do now).

Also, I think most anti-social/socially-declined people seek forums because it's an easy way to clearly communicate yourself to many others without worrying about things like eye contact, jumbling words, appearance, etc.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Eye contact. I'm getting better about it, though.
I'm kinda fat. ;_;


Quote from: JrDude ♪ on July 21, 2009, 09:33:29 PM
Oh yeah another flaw:
I talk quietly, then when someone doesn't hear what I say, I repeat it in a rude/loud voice.....
xD I do that. Except I don't talk quietly, I just talk fast. D:


I'm boring?
I dunno pick something.

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