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Started by Syncopathic, July 19, 2009, 04:05:05 PM

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Quote from: Bluaki on July 19, 2009, 07:40:36 PM
3. I'm really passive about everything. I don't start conversations myself very well, I'm not very assertive to others at all, I never argue, I don't go out and find friends myself but rather let them find me or have my current friends introduce me to others, etc.
I'm like that as well. D:
I'll always avoid people, and wait for them to come to me.


I'll bold the most important stuff.

1. I'm almost always shy in groups of people I don't know. It's the same deal as Sync. The weird thing is that I'm usually normal with my friends (there needs to be at least like 3 of them) even in front of people I'd normally be shy around, so they probably don't know what to expect of me. If I'm with my friends, I might be loud, random, crazy, weird, etc. If I'm not, I'll basically sit there and not say a word. That leads people to believe that I'm extremely quiet, which I'm not. It also killed every chance I had to make any kind of social interaction with potential friends/girlfriends. It started the beginning of freshmen year. I looked around at the other kids in my classes and I just couldn't fit in. They seemed to all know each other for so long. I felt left out. I mainly stuck with the two friends I knew from before along with two others who I'd met recently at "before school summer barbecues" and the like. I made a few new friends, but most of them are more of acquaintances. One of the worst things about it is that my friends really have no idea that I'm like this, or know little of it, and that people who don't know me well don't know what I'm really like.

2. BIG SECRET THAT I WILL CARRY TO THE GRAVE (no I'm not gay not that there's anything wrong with that)

3. I can't smile for my life. I never do except when laughing or thinking that something is funny. I hate it when people say something along the lines of "What's wrong? You don't smile. Why don't you smile? Smile for me. *Smiles showing teeth* See? It's easy." It's so hard to smile for people, especially when they ask you to.

4. Laziness, boredom, and the way I set my priorities. My parents HATE this about me, but they mostly hate it because of my number one priority is getting "free time". I want to do what I want, which is mostly video games, or sometimes going outside if friends are around and there's no school the next day. I hate school because of three things: uninteresting classes, stupid teachers, and homework. I never study for anything because I forget about it in the many hours of video games. Plus I just don't want to. When the kids get to class and start studying, I ask them, "Is there a quiz or something?" Most of them laugh in disbelief and say, "It's a test." That's generally when I study (for like 5 minutes). I always daydream and think about stuff too. It's so much fun and I daydream/think about random stuff whenever I can, wherever I can, and about many things. I daydream a lot in boring classes. I also daydream if there's nothing to do on say, a car ride or something. Play is always first, work is always second. The only reason I finish my work is so that I can play, and if that means skipping 10 problems of homework, I'm fine with that.

My worst one is shyness by far. :( My favorite is number 4 by far. :)
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


1. I sometimes talk in phrases. Usauslly when I'm bored or tire; not all the time.
2. I have trouble talking to most girls. Yeah... It's like I'm in middle school xP.
3. Lack of self confidence in some fields. One being playing music openly. That's affected my chair placements in numerous tryouts.


I'll just use the "Too many to bother listing" route here.


HORRIBLE reactions/reflex's. And this is the reason I prefer to play a game after figuring out every single thing that makes it tick. I can't send out signals in my body quick enough and sometimes my wires get crossed. "OH GOD. AN ENEMY I NEED TO SHOOT!" *Throw a grenade*

Sharpness, FTL! My eyesight is a piece of crap. I have a hard time seeing outlines of objects. Also makes it hard to catch things. It's the only reason I wasn't a running/receiver in Football.

Over think Everything. Don't need to say much more.

And I have plently more. These are the big ones.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Oh wow..i'm only gunna list a few because i'm sure I could come up with so many. xD

First of all i'm a's really annoying. When my mom used to cater weddings and stuff she'd have me and my brother and a bunch of our cousins set up the hall. We'd have to set up all the tables, and my mom mostly catered Arab weddings, and those are always huge...atleast 200 people for each one. Lots of work. Anyways, i'd usually go around to all the tables once we were done and check to make sure everything was fine. I'd usually adjust the cutlery or whatever to make sure they weren't at all crooked, and I always had to do that because my brother and cousins didn't care how it looked they just threw them on the table and didn't make them look good. ;_;

And like Alex, i'm also really bad at keeping eye contact. When my parents are lecturing me or i'm talking to a teacher or something I always end up looking away. I dunno why..I just feel as if I keep eye contact with them too long i'll feel as if i'm staring or something..xD

Um...I have a really short attention span. Like at school when I tell myself i'm gunna do my work, I do like one question, half a question, or just stare at the question, and then get distracted with my iPod, phone, or friends.

I used to have terrible stage fright and I hated talking infront of a big group of people but I got over that when I went to that leadership camp back in May.

That's all I can come up with for now..::)


Procrastination: Chances are, if I say I'll do it, I will, just not 'till last minute.
Shyness: I can talk to anyone I want, anyway I want (unless it will get me in trouble), but actually asking someone out or flirting, can't do.
  Eye contact: Same subject as my shyness, I can make eye contact, except when I like someone, I look, then my eyes shake then constantly look away.
My gut: I'm pretty fat.
My muscles: Aren't very big (yet)
Acne: I actually have little acne on my face, but my back and the back of my arms (only the parts that are covered by short sleeves) have a poop load of acne, I don't really understand why it's only in the spots where my shirt covers...
Trust: If you trust me, you can trust me. If you don't trust me, then you can't trust me. EX: If you trust me with a secret, I won't tell anyone, but if you tell me of a secret, tell someone else what it is and don't trust me with it, if I find it out, I will not keep it a secret (because you never told me to keep it a secret since you didn't tell me at all).
ADD: I will often fall asleep in class or not pay attention (even if I try to) to what the teacher says, but only if it doesn't interest me. I take a pill that helps me though.
Meanness: I will act mean, but I usually don't mean anything by it. Sometimes I'm mean just to make you want to prove me wrong, so once you do, you can feel happy about what made you upset. Sometimes I just use play words, I don't mean it as an insult, but it sounds like one (like nerd or weird). And sometimes people just bug me, so I insult them. I also like arguing (on the internet), I like the insults people try to use on me, it cracks me up. Sometimes I say an insult, which is actually a complement in disguise.
Masturbation: I do it too much, I try to stop, but no attempt worked at all. I wanna stop doing it so much, maybe to once a week or something...

Another flaw is my family... weird to say this, but I feel like my family likes me too much, like they feel sorry for me... All the adults like me and treat me like I'm going to do a lot with my life, while the outside world does the opposite. Reverse for my sister, most adults in the family say she will not succeed in her life, and a bunch of other mean stuff, while the rest of the world thinks the most for her. I'd like that all to switch for a day, I'm tired of being smothered by my family and seemingly annoyed by the world.
Dude .

The Seventh

Quote from: MagnumSonic on July 20, 2009, 12:12:05 AM
Over think Everything. Don't need to say much more.
Oh, yeah, I sometimes overtink stuff too.

Annoys the hell out of my dad...
Quote from: Talim on July 20, 2009, 01:13:59 AM
First of all i'm a's really annoying.
Yeah, I can be a bit of a perfectionist as well.

Not a severe case of perfectionism, but it's there.  I get it from my mom.


Hey Terriblefrog, stop being me.
It seems the trend that people who aren't socially active seek forums.

While I am "friends" with most of the student body because of my humor and whatnot, I'm not truly friends with many of them, you know?


1- I can't keep eye contact.  Why? Because I don;t feel the need to. If you were 2 feet in front of me I couldn't tell what color your eyes were because my vision is so bad. Better to just not look.

2- I procrastinate to the extreme. Still have a 700 page book to read and outline before the middle of August. Eh... I get all A's anyway.

3- Sort of anti-social. Its not like when in a group I don't do well, nor is it really hard for me to socialize. I just don't really want to. I don't have a drive for interaction... parents think I'm a hermit and it pisses me off.

4- My chin hair won't grow. Dammit I want a beard.


Quote from: JrDude ♪ on July 20, 2009, 03:25:11 AM
Acne: I actually have little acne on my face, but my back and the back of my arms (only the parts that are covered by short sleeves) have a poop load of acne, I don't really understand why it's only in the spots where my shirt covers...
For upper arms and face, I'm like JrDude about this, with lots of acne just where my short sleeves always cover, but unlike him I have very little acne on my back (but still some and more than the one or two little acne bumps my face has).
Quote from: HTA on July 20, 2009, 08:25:48 AM
4- My chin hair won't grow. Dammit I want a beard.
In the opposite of this, chin hair is the most annoying hair for me to shave (and I shave everything, so that means a lot). It sometimes feels like it's partially grown too much already after less than a day D:
Oh, and what little acne my face has is often around my chin, which causes additional issues with that.


Lack of Responsibility.

I'm too darn nice. >:(


Quote from: Bluaki on July 20, 2009, 11:51:58 AM
For upper arms and face, I'm like JrDude about this, with lots of acne just where my short sleeves always cover, but unlike him I have very little acne on my back (but still some and more than the one or two little acne bumps my face has).In the opposite of this, chin hair is the most annoying hair for me to shave (and I shave everything, so that means a lot). It sometimes feels like it's partially grown too much already after less than a day D:
Oh, and what little acne my face has is often around my chin, which causes additional issues with that.
Its not that I don't have any, its super light. :(


Quote from: Talim on July 20, 2009, 01:13:59 AM
I used to have terrible stage fright and I hated talking infront of a big group of people but I got over that when I went to that leadership camp back in May.
I used to be like that.
Though it never happened until I had to give the school announcements on the TV and ended up freezing up, not being able to move or say anything. :\


1) I'm very competitive. Like seriously, it's hurt some of my really good friendships.
2) I zone out alot.
3) Procrastination. I rarely do homework and I always wait till the last minute for most things.
4) I can be a pretty big vagina cleaning device.
5) I have very little armpit hair. I'm half hispanic, we're supposed to be hairy  :'(


Quote from: Doodle on July 20, 2009, 03:44:07 PM
I used to be like that.
Though it never happened until I had to give the school announcements on the TV and ended up freezing up, not being able to move or say anything. :\
:o Dude I wish I could've watched you on TV. :3 So cute.