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Now YOU can pay for the worst online ever!

Started by Nayrman, May 07, 2010, 06:29:31 PM

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While Miyamoto has displayed his genius in the past, I feel as though it may be time for him to retire. Online just isn't his thing and Nintendo should hire some professionals. If anyone there could do it though, I guess it'd be him. So we just have to wait and see.

Hell I'd be happy if they blatantly ripped off the other services.


Quote from: Zero on May 10, 2010, 04:44:53 PM
While Miyamoto has displayed his genius in the past, I feel as though it may be time for him to retire. Online just isn't his thing and Nintendo should hire some professionals. If anyone there could do it though, I guess it'd be him. So we just have to wait and see.

Hell I'd be happy if they blatantly ripped off the other services.
I think at this point Miyamoto should stick to pure gameplay parts of game development. I'll never doubt him when it comes to how to make the game portion of the game, but he really shouldn't make any comments on stories or hardware. To be honest, he's shown that he's not all that great with that regard.

And yes, I'd be happy if they just ripped the other two off. Anything is better than what they have.


PS3 does free internet right, and 360 does internet that costs money right. Personally I'd be happy if Nintendo just gave me achievements and a way to show them off to friends.


Quote from: AuraChannelerChris on May 10, 2010, 04:26:22 PM
and the Wii Points is a bit better than having to spend money directly into games
How is there a single argument for that? If you want a single $6 download, you have to pay at least $10 for the Wii Points because only certain increments can be charged. Then you are almost guaranteed to have leftover unused/wasted points after buying absolutely anything. I'm not too familiar with how other game companies treat things like that, but directly charging the exact game's fee to a card with an optional gift card sort of thing (while Nintendo has only gift cards) sounds like it's probably about right.

This thread is too much extremist-filled. Chris has a bizarrely strong like of Nintendo's online and Zero+Nayr both absolutely hate everything about it. I'm personally not into online gaming much, rarely going beyond something like a Pokemon trade.

I'd be happy if they just established some decent console-wide buddy list system to replace game-specific friend codes and allowed random non-FC matches more (like, Pokemon Battle Revolution does that nicely, but no other Pokemon games feature random online matches for some reason). Maybe some extra fancy things that don't directly affect gameplay can be premiums, I don't care.


Quote from: bluaki on May 10, 2010, 10:26:30 PM
and Zero+Nayr both absolutely hate everything about it

Not sure about Nayr, but the one thing I adore about Nintendo's service is the VC. Plus, ton of the Wiiware games are definitely quality games. I wish I could try and buy more games on the service to be honest.

It doesn't make up for the fact that the service is terrible though.


Quote from: Cornwad on May 10, 2010, 11:53:23 AM
I would buy 10x the Wii games that I do now.
See that's another thing.

While the online games with it have shown a dedicated group willing to make the most of it that doesn't stop the fact there's few of them. Now that can partly be blamed on the actual games themselves but there was still some room for potential like NSMBWii or Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

As for this argument Nayr it's important to reach middle ground on these terms or then we're debating nothing. It's for sure worth a passing glance - A good ordeal of people go on sites like say, All Is Brawl, then yes it's still worth a passing glance. Have you used your Wii online before? Yes. This doesn't even have to be debated and it was a ridiculous point (Or an over-exaggeration) to bring up. However "Average" and "Above Average" are different stories.

Here's another interesting point however: PSN is free as well outside of extra features. Wii is free. The above average medium at the very least is PSN with this gen thus the Wii can't be "Above Average"

For what Nintendo will do, like hell, blatantly ripping off is better than making us voice chat that uses what essentially is another sensor bar.

But for something unique onto discussion why not have "Guests" (Whether you can register for free or not depends) have Friend-Codes, thus for parents who want to be safe, their kid still stays completely safe or some poop like that. Then for the people who do register they can have all those features and poop won't hit the fan for Nintendo if they do anything stupid.

I doubt Nintendo would think up that but I still find the idea interesting.

And I'm glad they're at least doing something about it. They're at least looking into options which is something.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


Right, I have $4.00's worth of Wii points that I had for over 2 years...
2 YEARS!!! WTF am I gonna do with that? 0_O
And all the VC Games they do have available I am not even Close to being interested in.
The games that I want to replay, I haven't even seen yet... and I don't know if I ever will- that sucks... But that's my take on the VC. Me having SSB and Star Fox 64 is really the only thing worth being on my Wii.

Anyway- I like no,...... I LOVE Nintendo as much as the next person, but it makes me so irritated when (as a CUSTOMER), I buy games from Nintendo and I'm just not happy with it.

I want to say, everything Nayr says is true, as well as what Zero said.
When compared to other systems (PS 3 and X Box) Nintendo just...... falls short...not it fails. There really is No comparison, and I don't understand the reason why.

Nintendo has been around For Years.... they as video game developers should "KNOW" how to appease it's consumers and give them what they want. Surly they see the success of X Box and PS 3....why not follow? OR somehow do something better then what they stand above them?

It's so horrible, they are just "NOW" realizing that they fall short when it comes to Online features/games etc...

You know why, Because they lack FOCUS, in what True Gamers/Fans of Nintendo Want.
When I mean by this, I mean they (ever since the WII came out) focused on these Non gamers (Yes, I'm bringing back this argument).
Non gamers don't worry about online, or they wouldn't use it. You think an 77 year old man who plays "wii bowling/tennis" is gonna worry about playing ONLINE?
Hell no, why would he? There is no need.
Honestly from this persona, Nintendo just Ignored (for the most part), true gamers who want the most out of Nintendo and just focused on bringing back people who have No knowledge about video games, or stopped playing video games in general.

As a business, this was Genius- but at the same time you sacrificed a good amount of Nintendo Fan's who wanted good Quality games. Games that could go online with NO kind of issues what so ever. One that can compete against 2 other video game systems who obviously had Great Online from the Get go.

It's common knowledge that Nintendo dropped the ball on it's Online gaming (Again, - the game cube should of somehow gone online).
At this time, Nintendo might as well TRY (and I pray they try really hard), focus on a GREAT Online on their NEXT Console system. If they make the next console system online feature just like the other video game systems, then nobody would complain, at least not THIS Much.

SSBB- Is The most played game I have on my Wii, and it's the ONLY Game I go online, and *laughs* I have No need to even describe to you how SSBB's online feature is. What's REALLY bad, is that it's gotten worst. Why would it be getting worst? I don't understand. I thought with time, all this lag poop and random Disconnections would be fixed and over with. Nope, I still can't even play with my FRIENDS from Online. I can't join their room and they can't join mine. Nintendo, explain why the intercourse  y'all haven't fixed this by now?
I dare somebody to even try to Defend this, I will tear them apart.

-moving on...

People here are Upset about Nintendo's actions because they want the best from Nintendo. Like me, they love Nintendo, but we are just tired of this B.S. that they have been giving us for over 2 years.
This is the result of unhappy/unsatisfied customers, and you all very know well that "we" aren't the only ones complaining.

I'm still waiting for over 3, no 6 years for Nintendo to get their poop together.
Lazy bastards.

*Oh, and yes.. Get Rid of Friend Codes...........

That's why Little children have Parents who should MONITOR What their kids should play.
The system it self should not be held responsible.


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on May 14, 2010, 01:32:45 PM

*Oh, and yes.. Get Rid of Friend Codes...........

That's why Little children have Parents who should MONITOR What their kids should play.
The system it self should not be held responsible.

Quote from: Zero on May 10, 2010, 04:34:08 PM

Friend codes were probably invented by the same poop hole that came up with tripping in Brawl

Lohn Jocke

Quote from: bluaki on May 10, 2010, 10:26:30 PM
How is there a single argument for that? If you want a single $6 download, you have to pay at least $10 for the Wii Points because only certain increments can be charged. Then you are almost guaranteed to have leftover unused/wasted points after buying absolutely anything.
Dude, that's what all of the 3 Big gaming companies do.

QuoteI'm not too familiar with how other game companies treat things like that, but directly charging the exact game's fee to a card with an optional gift card sort of thing (while Nintendo has only gift cards) sounds like it's probably about right.
You can use credit cards, too. Just that nobody ever uses that .-.

QuoteThis thread is too much extremist-filled. Chris has a bizarrely strong like of Nintendo's online and Zero+Nayr both absolutely hate everything about it. I'm personally not into online gaming much, rarely going beyond something like a Pokemon trade.

...And there's my entire opinion on the subject.



agreed that their online could be much better. paying for it even if it was slightly improved would be bullpoop.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


I wouldn't know about this, because my Wii refuses to update saying it can't access the Internet, even though I was just looking at the Internet Channel a second ago. The few WiiWare games I want will go undownloaded until I figure out how to fix it.

Besides, what games are there to play? Brawl, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, and...Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Really, the Wii should have been more powerful so developers would become interested in making more than the same Wii Sports clones and ports of PS2 games. Remember Project HAMMER and Winter? Where are those? Seriously, the hardware is the reason the software doesn't run well. Hard to make a game that sells in 2010 with technology used a generation before, unless you are Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, or any other Japanese development studio, which have pretty much got the Wii covered with decent software.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.