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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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Flying Chickens

Quote from: gamemasterdevil on October 19, 2007, 09:21:09 PM
((What happened just now pales to the destruction of pokémon gym XD But, if Fear doesn't want it, we can always pretend it never happened XD 'Tis what I used to do))

What in the..Aeleus! He was here, too, and oddly in trouble. Although he was the shyest of his brothers, he didn't spend his time alone doing nothing. He had gotten somewhat decent in fire-bending - mostly from what Aeleus had taught him.

Rushing over to his borther's side, he began to perform the same action: taking away little bits of the flame and making them vanish.

"This is surprising. Usually it's Ken or me who does something like this," he commented with a half-hearted smile, knowing his brother wasn't too keen on joking around in serious situations.
Ooc// "What in the..Aeleus! He was here, too, and oddly in trouble. Although he was the shyest of his brothers, he didn't spend his time alone doing nothing. He had gotten somewhat decent in fire-bending - mostly from what Aeleus had taught him." That part there, makes sense except for the end where you say "Mostly from what what Aeleus had taught him" So Aeleus is good from what Aeleus had taught him? Confusing.

Ic// Aeleus rolled his eyes at his brothers joke and said, "If we don't get rid of this soon there won't be any of you two left to do something like this." He took in a particularily large flame out and clapped it out of existence.


"Less talking, more bending." said Xanthos as he put out another flame.


((I forgot to put my character's name in there..infer! XD Kidding. I meant to say that Farnor was taught by Aeleus XD))

"We're gonna hafta get out of here after this, you know..maybe we can get that little group to follow us. They seem really nice, although that girl only talked to Ken." Farnor chuckled. It was so much easier talking to his siblings. "I can't wait to annoy the hell outta him for this."

Concentrating for a second, he tried to take out a larger flame, but failed. Quickly, he dispelled a smaller portion.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...

Flying Chickens

"Yes, probably hide away for some time afterwards." He said as in each hand he took up a flame and crushed it into oblivion. "this news will reach the ears of Azula almost definitely. Not the fire, but word of firebenders and waterbenders working together. We'll have to get the group out after this. They'll be taken for questioning for sure. I don't know... That girl seems like she's able to watch out for herself. Oh, and Farnor, meet Xanthos. Xanthos, Farnor."


Ooc// Hey, so I'm back. Oh, my character seems like an idiot. Okay?

Ic// Turaga opened his book. And started writing in it. Obviously, he wrote about the days events, including Nerina's crush. He knew she had a crush. She would never smile like that at anyone.

Spongebob does not approve



Ooc// I don't mind at all. Atleast this plot twist has a competent reason, and follows the sequence of the Roleplay.

IC// What the heck-?! Fire? Nerina thought as her eye caught sight of the burning floor wood. The fire was only getting bigger from what she had seen, but how it started so big, she wasn't sure. She looked over to Ken, giving him a nervous slight smile as if to say "Sorry" for leaving him in the middle of their conversation, then making her way over to where Xanthos and another young man, looking similar to Ken, stood.

Without saying anything, Nerina took the bigger pouch from her belt. She took a small circular blob of water from it, levitating it towards her mouth. Nerina then held it in front of her lips, as if she were drinking it, but it was quite the opposite. Her mother had mentioned something about blowing ice with the help of waterbending, maybe Nerina could try it now. She took a deep breath, and then blowed cold air against the water, watching as the ice began to coat the floor where the fire was, slowing dimming the fire in the process.


"Nerina, you married to that guy yet?"said Xanthos.


"Nice to meet you, Xanthos," Farnor said, stopping for a second as he watched the ice Nerina had made coat the fire. "Whoa..that's amazing." He thought.
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


"Nice to meet you too. Oh, Nerina, this is Farnor and Aeleus. The guy whose been flirting with you is their brother."


Nerina gave Xanthos a quick glare after the ice coated the oil and fire completely. It was surprisingly easy to do, even though her mother never taught her how. Although, the floor was now an ice rink...

"No, I'm not married to him, I hardly even know him." she replied in a sort of as-a-matter-of-fact tone. Nerina then remembered his next remark, and looked to the two that were brothers of the firebender she was talking to, those two probably firebenders as well, since they were related. "Hello." she said to Farnor and Aeleus, not saying anything after that. In most instances, she wasn't really into greetings. But, of course, there are exceptions.


Farnor nodded. "Hi." Turning so he was looking at Nerina, he asked. "How did you do that?"
Heya. If y'know me, send me a PM. It'd be nice t'see some old friends around here...


Xanthos snickered. "You've been flirting this entire time and you hardly no him? That's hard to believe."


"How? Well... I really don't know." Nerina said, looking from Farnor to the ice glazed over the wooden floor. She really didn't know how it happened, but she knew she could assume some things. "My mom said she was able to do that, she's a master waterbender. But she could do it without having water as an aid, she just breathed and the ice created itself, but of course I'm a beginner, so I guess I needed a bit of bending water to help me. I can only assume that blowing cold air is a factor." she explained.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 20, 2007, 05:39:56 AM
Xanthos snickered. "You've been flirting this entire time and you hardly no him? That's hard to believe."
"We hardly said anything to each other, Xanthos. Back off." Nerina retorted with a slight bit of sassyness in her tone. She didn't have a high tolerance when it came to annoyance, despite her calm, cool, and collected usual attitude. Most didn't know that she had a short fuse when provoked on a certain subject.