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Know your stars of SSBB

Started by DededeCloneChris, October 30, 2007, 08:02:41 PM

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Next is Marth!

Marth was looking at a random sword in a random sword shop in a random town when suddenly a random door appeared outta nowhere!
"Woah! Where'd that come from?!" Marth asked.

"Aliens dropped it off." Some random guy said as he walked by.

"ALIENS?!" Marth screamed, "HOLD ME!!!!" Marth jumped ten feet in the air and that random dude caught him.

"You're annoying." The random dude said, "I'm throwin' you in the door." He did as he said. The dude closed the door behind him.

Marth looked around the room. The only thing he spotted was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. Marth walked over and sat down in it.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Marth screamed yet again.

"Marth of... Gah! I've got to know more about where you peoples live!" The voice said.

"What do you want?!"

"Marth... Roy stole the last cookie."

"WHAT?! That baka."


"Yeah. That's japanese for fool, retard, stupid, idiot, son of a bit-"

"I get the picture."


"So, you gonna get Roy for stealing the last cookie?"


"Yeah, I just told you that."

"Oh. I forgot."

"No, Link's the one with short-term memory loss."

"Was he here, too?"

"Everyone that was been and will be in an SSB game will be here."

"Wow. So, what number am I?"

"Uh... 14."


"Shall we continue?"

"Continue we shall."

"Marth... He is a girl."

"I AM?!?!"

"Well, you where a tiarra."

"What, this? No, no no no no no no no no no no no no. No. This is a headband."











"Ha, made you say tiarra! And darn it."

"Hey, no fair!

"All's fair in love and war."

"But I'm not in love!"

"But we are at war!" The voice put on an army helmet, "CHARGE!" The voice pushed a button on his keyboard and a bunch of army men came out of the walls. By knocking them down. They all surrounded Marth, and attacked him.

"Hold up! They didn't attack yet." The voice said.

Oh, then they didn't attack yet. Why?

"I still have one more thing to say to Marth."

Ok. What is it?

"Here it is: Marth... Aliens ARE real!"

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Marth ran. For dear life. As army men followed him. With weapons ready. And the voice laughed.


Now Luigi!

Luigi was in a random book store reading a random story book on a random Tuesday afternoon when suddenly a random door appeared outta nowhere!
"MAMMA-MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luigi screamed, "The last page is missing from this book!!!!!!" Luigi looked up from the book and saw the door. "A door? When did THAT get here?" Luigi walked over to the door and opened it. Inside was a chair engulfed in a spotlight, "Mamma-mia. Sure is spooky." Luigi quietly and cautiously entered the room. What bravery, what courage!

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luigi screamed.

...Never mind.

"Luigi of the Mushroom Kingdom..." The voice said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luigi screamed.

"Luigi... He screams like a baby."

"AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luigi screamed.

"...I rest my case."


"Be quiet!"


"It's-a me, Mario!" The voice lied.

"Oh. Mario. I knew it was you." Luigi sighed.

"It's not me, Luigi." The voice said, "IT'S BOWSER!!!!!!!!" The voice's... voice changed into Bowser's voice.




"Ha ha ha!"


"Ha... ha... ha..."


"Okay... you can stop now."


"You can sto-"


"...You can st-"


"...You can-"






"...Luigi is an awsome guy." The voice's... voice changed back to normal.

"Alright!" Luigi cried.

"BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" The voice changed its voice back into Bowser's voice.


"Luigi... He cross-dresses."

"WHAT?!" Luigi cried, "When did I do that?!"

"In 'Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga'. You wore Peach's dress to fool Bowser. ...I mean, Bowletta."

"HEY! Bowser, well, Bowser's body wore bra! So you could say he's also a cross-dresser."

"I could. I would. I should. I won't." The voice said.

"WHAT?! How come?!"

"'Cause it was his body! Not his mind and spirit!"

"That's not fair!"

"Your game, not his."

"Aw, man!"

"Luigi... He's cheating on Daisy."

"WHAT!!? I would never do anything like that!"

"Yes you would."

"No I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would."

"No I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would."

"No I wouldn't!"

"No you wouldn't."

"Yes I would! ...GAH!" Suddenly, Daisy came into the studio.

"I heard that!" She yelled, "You're coming with me!" She grabbed Luigi by the ears.

"AAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Luigi yelled. He and Daisy left the studio.

"That was fun. Know Your Stars: SSB has been brought to you by sreaming: If there was no screaming, horror movies would be wasted! And cross-dressers: They make the world a funnier place.


Now next is the pokemon trainer with his pokémons!

The Pokémon Trainer was randomly practicing with his random three Pokémon in a random park when all of a sudden, a random door appears outta nowhere!
"Ahh!" The Pokémon Trainer yelled in surprise, falling down on the ground. His three random Pokéemon, Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, did the same. The Pokémon Trainer and his Pokémon looked up at the door, "Where the heck did that come from?" He asked.

"Squirt squirtle." Squritle reminded.

"Oh yeah, outta nowhere." The Pokémon Trainer recalled, "Well, might as well go in."

"Ivysaur?" Asked Ivysaur.

"Ahh, training can wait for later." The Pokémon Trainer told him, and the four entered the door. A chair was engulfed in a spotlight in the door, "Huh. Only one chair." Suddenly, three more chairs fell out of the sky.

"Roar." Charizard said.

"Yeah, that was convinient." The Pokémon Trainer said. The four sat in the four chairs. Charizard's chair broke, so another, bigger one fell down. Charizard's flaming tail burnt it, so a steel one came down. Charizard's tail made the steel chair melt, so a rock one had come down. Then, the chair transformed into a Graveler! The Graveler (angryly) made a hole in the wall and rolled out.

"You're payin' for that!" A voice called out.

"Wha? Who said that!?" The Pokémon Trainer gasped.

"Uh... Aw, Smurf. Ahem... Know your stars... Know your stars..."

"I said 'Who said that!?'!?"

"Pokémon Trainer of Kanto..."

"Don't make me repeat myself! Wait, I already did."

"Pokémon Trainer... He once stuffed his brother in a Pokéball..."

"No I never! it was my friend's friend's friend's uncle's nephew's cousin who did it to my friend's friend's friend's uncle's nephew's other cousin!"

"...And you know this... how...?"

"Let's just say it had something to do with an Onix and some mustard."

"Okay then... Pokémon Trainer... He's in love with Charizard..."

"Roar?" Charizard asked.

"What!?" No way!"

"Then who?"

"Uh... that's none of your business!"

"Yeah... So, who is it?"

"I'm not telling!"

"C'mon! Please? Please? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseple-"


"Sheesh. Fiesty."



"Ivy ivysaur!"


"CRIPES!" The voice pushed a button on his control panel, and three mussles fell around and tied themselves on Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard.

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"And who said I was nice?"

"It was... it was... it... was... Well, ya got me there."

"I always do."


"Nothing. Pokémon Trainer... He has a collection of Bratz toys."

"What!? There's no way-"

"I got your Yasmin doll."


"Fetch!" the voice stuffed the doll in a cannon and fired it out of the door. The Pokémon Trainer ran after it, crying all the way, while his Pokémon, still mussled, followed, "Okay, first Brawl newcomer: check!"


What will happen to Wario?

Wario was sitting in a random couch watching some random TV show while eating some random junk foods when suddenly a random door appeared outta nowhere! ...But, like Kirby did a few chapters back, Wario paid no attention to it.

That is, however, until some sort of alien flew through his closed window, stole his food and ran to the door! Wario was about to eat another dohnut, when he realized his food had been stolen!

"HEY! GIMME BACK MY FOOD!" Wario cried, chasing after the alien. Wario ran into the door and saw his snacks in a chair engulfed in a spotlight, "MY PRECIOUS FOOD!!!" Wario squealed with delight. He jumped seventy feet in the air, made a hole in the ceiling, made another hole over the chair and landed on his rear end with a fart.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A random voice echoed through the room.

"Go away. I'm eating." Wario said sternly, continuing to eat his dohnuts.

"Wario of Diamond City." The voice said.

"I said go away!"

"Wario... He's a pig in a disguse..."

"What!?" Wario screeched, taking his mind off the dohnuts, "I ain't a pig! I don't roll around in mud! I roll around in money and dohnuts!"

"Really? Chocolate dohnuts?"

"YEAH! TRIPLE CHOCOLATE!" Wario started drooling at the mental sight of triple chocolate dohnuts.

"What about... quadruple chocolate?" The voice asked mishiviously. There was a puddle at least three feet long underneith Wario's chin, "Quintuple?" Now the puddle was at least seven feet long ,"You're cleaning that up."


"Wario... Uh... um.. er... He's, uh... uhh... fat. Yeh, fat!"

"Hey! Did you call me fat!?" Wario yelled.

"No! I mean, yes!"

"Why, I oughta-"

"Six times teh chocolate!"

Wario started drooling on the spot again.

"Phew! Wario... He got bested by a purple jewel."

"Yeah!? So what about it!?"

"I just wanted you to relive your past."

"How ya gonna do that?"

"I dunno."

"Yeah, well good!"

"Oh oh ohohoh! I know I knowknow!"

The voice pressed a button on his control panel and a trapdoor opened up above Wario. Suddenly, two metalic claws came flying down and grabbed on to Wario's arms. They then started pulling him up.

"Hey hey hey!! What are you doing!?" Wario cried.

"Do not fret, Mr. Wario." The voice said, "After this you'll be famous alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll over the world!"

"I will!?" Wario asked gleefully.

"Yep! you'll also be the first man around the world in 80 seconds!"


Before Wario could finish his question, the metalic claws stuffed him into a cannon. The voice pressed another button on his control panel, and the cannon sent Wario straight through the roof!

With Wario

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Wario screamed as he circled the globe. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. Not wanting to lose the signal, he quickly answered it.

"Wario's cell phone. Wario residents. Wario speaking." Wario said into the cellular phone.

"You're payin' for that hole in the roof." The voice said on the other line.



Here is Ike!

Ike was walking through some random meadows swinging his random sword in any random direction when suddenly a random door appeared outta nowhere!

"Woah!" Ike yelled as he nearly fell over on his rump. Gaining his balance, the blue haired swordsman looked at the door, "Strange..." He muttered, "This door does not look anything like the ones we have back home." Ike opened the door, and, to his surprise, lead to somewhere that was not on his map! In the mysterious room, he noticed a chair engulfed in a spotlight.

Ike walked over to the chair with his sword ready, in case it was a trap. He VERY carefully sat himself down on the chair, and looked around the room.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice echoed through the creepy room.

"I knew it! It IS a trap!" Ike yelled triumphantly.

"Ike of... Where are you from?" The voice asked.

"Go look it up on Wikipedia. It's there." Ike responded.

"Well, okay..." the voice went to his computer and looked up Wikipedia. After about two minutes and eleven seconds of searching, the voice called out to Ike, "Couldn't find it."

"Oh, well, I could be mistakened."

"Anyways... Ike of wherever the heck you're from..."

"Okay, I'll bite. What do you want?"

"Ike... He was the village fool."

"What!? I certainly was not! I was the general of the Crimean Liberation Army!

"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were, Ike. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were."

"It's the truth!"

"Aw, c'mon! Not everyone can be a general!"

"But I'm not an everyone! I'm a someone!"

"Save it for judge, man."

"Why are you bringing a judge in here?"
"I'm not. I just wanted to say that."


"Ike... He uses a stick called 'Nagnell'."

"It wasn't stick! It was sword! And it wasn't 'Nagnell', it was 'Ragnell'!"

"Yeah, right."


"Not believing it."

"It's the truth!"

"Lies. All lies."



"So... what?"

"You wanna continue?"

"When's it over?"

"Next one's the last one."

"Thank goodness." Ike muttered under his breath.

"What was that!?"


"Okay then! Ike... He's about to get floored by a pig."

"A pig?" Ike asked, "What's that suppose to mean?"

"A pig will appear-"

Suddenly, a faint yelling could be heard. The voice and Ike looked up at the ceiling when all of a sudden, Wario came crashing through the ceiling! He landed right on top of Ike, who fell through the floor. And then he magically got teleported outside the door with all memories of the voice erased.

With the Voice and Wario

"Woah... What a ride..." Wario said dizzily.

"You're payin' for that hole, too." The voice said.



I see that nobody post a comment here, for you good news, you can!

Next is Nana!

Nana was climbing a random rock on a random mountain in the middle of random nowhere when all of a sudden, a random door appeares outta nowhere!
"Woah!" Nana nearly fell off the HUGE rock (which was actually, like, 5 feet), but she hung on with her pickaxe. She regained her balance, and looked at the random door, "Where the heck did that door come from?" Nana asked herself, "Maybe it leads somewhere..." Nana jumped off the rock (again, 5 feet) and entered the door. "Hmm... it's warmer in here..." Nana discovered. Inside was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. "A chair!" Nana walked over to the chair and sat in it.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice echoed through the room.

"What!" Nana screeched, frantically looking around the room, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Nana of Icicle Mountain..." The voice said.

"Wh-What do you want!?" Nana cried.

"Nana... she loves Ness."

"What!? No I do not!"

"Then how come there were pictures of him in your dorm in the Smash Mansion?"

"I have pictures of everyone!"

"So you're in love with everyone!"

"What!?! Of course not!"

"Nana's cheating on everyone in the Smash Mansion!"

"No! Shut up!"

"Nana and everyone, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." The voice trailed off.

"I said SHUT UP!!" Nana's voice echoed through the room, making the voice stop.

"Umm... okay..."

"Okay what!?"

"N-Nothing. Nana... she's a master criminal."


"I said 'she's a master criminal'." The voice repeated.

"I most certainly am not!" Nana bellowed, "I never stole anything in my life!"

"You stole Young Link's Kokiri Sword!"

"Wha-" The voice held up the Kokiri Sword, "Wh-Where'd you get that!?"

"I found it under your bed."


"You just admitted that it WAS in your room!"


"You're bed is in your room, and I went in your room to get the sword... and then... uh... then I... uh... um... er... guh..."

"'Guh...'?" Nana repeated.

"Yeah, I make weird noises some times."

"I see."

"Moving on. Nana... she's lying about her age."

"Really, now? How old am I?"



"I got your birth certificate right here."

"You have my birth certificate, you have Young Link's sword... What DON'T you have?"



"Anyway... It says here you were born on Spetember 25th, 1934."

"Lies! All lies!"

"Yeah, and I'm the King of England."

"There's not King in England!"

"Oh... yeah..."

"I'm leaving!" Nana got up and stormed out the door. "IT'S FREEZING OUT HERE!!!!"

"It's always 25 degrees in here." The voice tells you.


Now for the next is.........

Master Hand was in his random office sitting in his random chair reading his random papers when suddenly, a random door appeared outta nowhere!
"Hmm?" Master looked up from his papers, looked the door, and went back to his papers. About twenty seconds later, he reailsed that that door wasn't there before, so he floated towards the door and opened it. Inside was a (giant) chair engulfed in a (giant) spotlight. "I like sitting in new chairs... Even though it sounds impossible." Master did the impossible and sat in the (giant) chair.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice echoed in the room.

"Who's there?" Master asked in an unenthusiastic voice.

"Master Hand of Final Destination..." The voice began.

"Yes?" Master asked.

"Master Hand... His papers are pictures of naked ladies."

"That's not true!" Master shouted, "They're very important documentations on the new Smash Bros. game! It has to be over 100 per cent!"

"No, they're not! They're photos of top-less girls!"


"Naked girls!"


"Naked girls!"


"Let's stop fighting."

"I agree."

"Master Hand... He never takes showers."

"Then how come I'm always shimering white?"

"It's 'cause you use shiny stuff to make you shine!"


"You really stink! No wonder the Smashers beat you up in the last two games!"

"I was the main boss! They had to beat me up!"


"It's the truth!"

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

"I got no pants."

"Uh... Liar, liar, glove on fire!"

"Hey! This glove is designer!"

"So is your diaper!"

"My... what?"

"Master Hand... he is still just a baby."

"I can talk, I read documentations, I'm able to beat up twenty-six people; I'm not a baby!"

"Yes y- twenty-six?"

"Two Ice climbers."

"Oh... right. Anyway, you are a baby! Well, a child at least."

"What makes you think this?"

"Super Smash Bros. for the N64 came out in 1999; that's you're debut. It's 2007 now, so that means you're eight years old."

"Aw, man."

"You're allowed to go now."

"'Bout time."

Master got up and floated out of the room.

"That's one of the main people... 'scuse me, hands down." The voice sighed in relief.



Fox was playing his random DS which was randomly colored pink in his random ship called 'The Great Fox' when all of a sudden, a random door appeared outta nowhere!
Noticing the door, Fox got distracted by his game, which was (surprise, surprise) 'Star Fox Command'. Ignoring the door, he looked back at the game. Realising that he just got shot and blown up, he looked angryly at the door, "You costed me my last life! I nearly beat the game, too! Oh, you're gonna pay..." Fox opened the door and peered inside. He noticed a chair engulfed in a spotlight.Fox walked over in the chair and started, once again, to play his (pink) DS.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A mysterious voice echoed in the room.

"Aww... I died again..." Fox complained.

"Fox McCloud of the Lylat System..."


"Fox... he's cheating on Krystal..."

"Shut up, I keep dying!!!"

"Uh... didn't you hear me?"


"Uh... hello?"




"Aw, hell with it."

"I said- Hey, you there?"

Fox was left all alone in the room.

"That's odd. coulda sworn someone said I was cheating on Krystal. Oh, well."

Fox continued to play his game. After about an hour and a half, the voice came back.

"You beat the game?" He asked Fox. But, Fox had fallen asleep, "Wow, I was in the shower a long time..."

"Huh? Whazzat?" Fox woke up from his sleepyness and looked around.

"Mornin', sleepy head." The voice said.

"Oh, it was a dream... Wait, I'm in this room. You mean it wasn't a dream?"

"I left the room for you to play the game."

"Then I beat the game, then I fell asleep... So, there's no such thing as flying cows?"

"Wh- No." The voice answered..

"Oh. Okay." Fox said, a hint of relief in his voice.

"Fox McCloud... He has trouble taking a crap."

"WHAT!?! I am NOT constipated!!"

"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure you are."

"I'm telling the truth!"

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!"

"Nope. Don't believe ya."

"Believe me!"



"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the ship."

"N- Huh?"

"Fox McCloud... He's homeless, so he sleeps in his ship."

"I do sleep in the Great Fox!"

"Not that ship, yer Arwing!"

"Why'd I sleep in there!?"

"Falco bought the Great Fox from you, and he said, 'I now dub thee 'The Great Falco'!' That's what he said."

"Ooh, why I oughta..." Fox stormed out of the room.

"I love using my powers to abuse people!" The voice sighed gleefully, taking out Fox's (pink) DS and playing it.



Of course he likes the pink!

Donkey Kong was sitting in a random chair in his random tree house chewing on a random banana when suddenly, a random door appeared outta nowhere!

"OOOOH!!" DK shouted, startled, and winded up falling on the floor face first with the banana flying through the air and out the window.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" DK screamed in horror as he raced up to the window. Everything was in slow motion for him as he watched the banana fall to the ground. When the banana did hit the ground, DK started crying to himself. Looking up at the door, DK suddenly had a feeling for revenge. Picking up his coconut blaster from the wall, he marched into the door. Inside, DK noticed a chair engulfed in a spotlight. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to sit in something other than a hammock, DK waltzed over to the chair and laid his rump in it.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A mysterious and eerie voice echoed through the empty room.

"Ooh?" DK grunted, looking around the room.

"Donkey Kong of Kongo Bongo..." The voice continued.


"Donkey Kong... would you like a translator?"


"I take that as a yes.."

The voice threw down a translator down to Donkey Kong. DK swallowed it whole.

"Yay!" DK cried.

"Donkey Kong... He once ate da Crystal Coconut."

"Yeah... It tasted crystals!"

"Annnnnnnnd... he has a Jamakin accent." The voice muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothin', man."


"So... how'd you get da Crystal Coconu out of your gut?"

"We waited for it to come out my trap-door."


"It totally was, dude."

"I hear ya."


"I had an experience with that once! I ate my cell phone! Boy, it cost me a fourtune when they got it out after the surgery!"

"What, the surgery?"

"No! I had to pay for the minutes on that thing! I was talkin' to some one when I swallowed it! I was also chattin' with people when it was inside me! I had ta punch my stomach to turn 'er on 'n off!"


"Yeah... Donkey Kong... He stole his tie."

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo way. I bought it at the discount section. It was 99 percent off!"

"And that's why Princess Peach would call it 'tacky'. Just like she called my chair!"

The voice immidiently started crying.

"Easy! Want me to rough 'er up fo'ya?"

"No- (sniff) -thanks, DK. (sniff) -I'll be alright."


"Seriously, 99 percent off!?"

"Yah! It was originally one doller, but I bought it for one cent!"

"Well..." The voice chuckled a bit, "you know what they say."

DK paused for a bit, "No, what?"

"...Oh. I was hopin' you'd know."

"Oh. Well, I don't."

"Okied-dokie then. Donkey Kong... It was Mario that stole your Banana collection!"

"What!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! No one dares touch Donkey Kong's Banana collection! I have all 53 types of bananas in dere! I gotta go! Here, take your translator-thing back." DK (somehow) spit up the translator he ate and threw it back at the voice, "Thanks!" DK ran out of the room, leaving the voice to sit there all alone with the soggy translator.

"How did he talked without the translator?"

"...Ew." The voice chucked the translator in the garbage, where his kid brother was currently sleeping.


DK gonna fly o Barbados. Inside joke. Do nn ask.



Lucas was playing random video games in his random house in a random town (I don't know the name of his hometown, and I'm too lazy to look it up) when all of a sudden, a random door appeared out of nowhere!
Lucas looked up from his video games, looked at it for about a minute, then

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Lucas screamed, falling off his bed, which made his video game fly through they air, out the window, in the garbage can, which was conviniently picked up by the garbage man. Lucas looked up and looked about ready to cry. Before he realised it, he was walking to the random door. He opened it and walked in. Inside the door was a chair engulfed in a spotlight, "Another chair..." Lucas sniffled. Lucas sat in it and nearly sobbed.

Suddenly, he heard some music, coming from a (very) hard to notice window attatched to the roof. The music had lyrics.

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

You better learn my name, 'cause it's


She knows the darkest spells and she brews the meanist potions

You might be the ingredient I seek

Don't let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor

You better be afraid of the great


She doesn't play with dolls and she never combs her hair

Who has time for girly things like that?

Eye of newt

I cast a hex on you

Grandma's wig

This'll make you big

Kitten s-

The last part died out, and a voice sighed.

"Can't wait 'till the game comes out."

The voice noticed Lucas.

"Oh. Is it time already?"

The voice looked at his watch.

"Five to eight. Right on time."

"Why the HECK were you listening to a WarioWare song?" Lucas asked, "And why was it sung an' played differently? And why was it cut off? And what are you talking about? And what-"

"Geez, you ask a lot'a questions. I was listening to it because it's going to be in the new Smash Bros. game as one of the themes of the WarioWare stage. It was sung an' played differently because it was sung an' played by different people. It was cut off because it was only a sample of the entire song. The answer to your last question, however, is confidential."

"Aww..." Lucas whined.

"Anyway... Lucas of where-ever-the-heck-your-from..."

"I'm not from there, I'm from-"

"Lucas... He was Mary in the 'Birth of Jesus' Christmas concert."

"What!? I nev-"

"Lucas... He plans on killing, and eventually replacing, Ness."

"That's not tr-"

"Lucas... He uses lights instead of using PSI magic."

"What the hec-"

"Lucas... He's always being interrupted by a mysterious voice."

"Now THAT'S the tru-"

"Lucas... He's always getting embarresed by his big brother."

"Oh, com-"

"Lucas... He named his cat after an infamous orange, extremly fat cat."

"Garfield? I never nam-"

"Lucas... There is a demonic spirit following him."

"Now that's just sa-"

"Lucas... He is... he is... gonna stop being insulted."


"I mean, I'm gonna stop insulting him."

"How about you sto-"

"I mean, I've been doin' this for twenty three chapters, almost. I mean, I've just GOTTA draw the line somewhere."

"A wonderful idea, I secon-"

"Maybe i could get a job at McDonald's, or I could start a video game company. Perferably the former."

"Mmmm... I love McDon-"

"Yeah, y'know what, I'm gonna go work at McDonald's!"

"That's good to hea-"

"And I'm going to continue interrupting you."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucas shouted and ran out of the room.

"...Okay, I just decided to continue this job of insulting the Smashers. It's way more fun than saying, 'Hi! May I take your order?'. Well, they don't say that at McDonald's, but, you know what I mean." The voice clicked a button on his keyboard.

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion?

You'd better learn my name, 'cause it's





Who is the next?

Sonic was running through random fields on a random mission to find some random emeralds when all of a sudden, a random door appeared outta nowhere!
But, since Sonic was running at impossible speeds, he crashed right into that door of randomness!


"Oww..." Sonic whined as he rubbed his jet black nose. He looked at the door. Curious as the little hedgehog he is, Sonic opened the door. Inside, a chair was engulfed in a spotlight, "I am getting tired of running everywhere..." Sonic sat down in the chair.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A mysterious voice echoed through the room.

"Huh?" Sonic said, "Who's there?"

"Sonic the Hedgehog of Mobius..." The voice began.

"Whaddya want?"

"Sonic... He cheats on Amy Rose..."

"What!? You're crazy! I'm not even going out with Amy!"

"Yeah, right! I saw this picture of her in your room!"

"What!? That's insane! I have pictures of everyone in my room!"

"Ohh... Really, now?"

"W- Huh? What're you talking about now?"

"Well, then, you must be cheating on everyone with everyone!"

"Now you're just talkin' crazy!"

"Yeah, and you're covered in blue fur."

"That's the truth, genius."

"...Oh, darn."

"You're about as bright as Knuckles."


"Well, are you gonna say something?"

"Sonic... He bribed Master to let him in the game."

"What!? No way! Master Hand came to me and asked me if I wanted to be in the game!"

"And then when you said no, he bribed you."

"No! I said yes, and then we went to the Smash Mansion, darn it!"

"Oh, come on now! No one's gonna believe that! Listen, my spikey haired friend, you gotta 'wow' 'em!"

"'Wow 'em'? What do you mean?"

"Do something dramatic. Something drastic. Something... something... something else..."


"So, whatcha plan to do?"

"You just told me what to do!"

"No, I told you the plan. You gotta come up with the schematics."

"That's Tails' job! I always get 'im to do them!"

"Okay, then. Time for one final insult."

"Wait... you were insulting me!?"

"NOW who's as bright as Knuckles?"


"Sonic... He has a mission to complete."

"Huh? That one doesn't even- Gotta go!"

And with that, Sonic wasn't there anymore.

"Wow. I now know there is something else in thsi universe that's faster than me eating french fries. An' that's sayin' something!"

The Voice: Know Your Stars: SSB is brought to you by cheating; cheating on tests is a way of life! And by bribing; a great way to get free stuff from random people.