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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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((lol, post))

"Hey, Solon, while Tanbar is fixing the rail, want to go cause a distraction to get Zaronn, the smarter one, away from the ship so the Scale gem becomes easy pickins?" Lanbar said to Solon.


((The next post? XD))

"No boundaries?" Jas asks. "I think constantly getting hit in the head and falling into holes is a boundary." She laughs slightly.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((It's a time frame, and it works, right :P ?))

Atleast someone trusts me enough to let me be a distraction for the smarter one, Solon thought, nodding along with Lanbar.

"And that's not a boundary," Solon explained to Jas. "It's just a hobby of mine."


"Better be careful, we wouldn't want that hobby to turn into an addiction." He said under his breath. His body swayed for a second as the boat got onto the whirl current.


"It's a hobby that creates boundaries," Jas moves some of her hair that was blown into her face away. "
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"I am not addicted to getting hit in the head and falling into holes! Seriously, I quit that stuff the minute I walked onto this ship!" Solon explained. "You're looking at a new man. Someone who can fight and stand on two feet for a whole conver-" They were passing the Whirl Channel now, and Solon slipped and fell, but within the next few seconds it was done and they were right outside of Scalus. "...sation..."


"Well...That definately isn't true for THIS conversation." He said with a little laugh. "Now get up so we can go and distract Zaronn.


"You just completely contradicted yourself," Jas shakes her head, holding back laughs.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Flying Chickens

Zarani walked up over, the rum sloshing around in the bottle. "First mate Solon, what is our status!?!" He asked him, his breath slightly giving off the scent of alcohol.


"Okay, that was because of this board! See, this board I was standing on? It's all slipperly. You guys are just lucky I was the one standing there, to stop you guys from embarassing yourselves. You should be thanking me," Solon lied, standing back up. That is it! I'm putting spikes on the bottom of these shoes... Solon thought, thinking it was the only way to keep him standing upright for long periods of time.

Solon looked over at Zarani. "Glad to see you up and breathing!" he exclaimed. "We've landed at Scalus and are about to initiate plan Slutty Jas."

Flying Chickens

"Slutty?" Zarani said. He looked up and down Jas for a moment. "Excellent. Now, what has happened to my bloody stomach?" He said, poking at the bandage.


"Oh yeah, I'm going to need that shirt back once you're done with it..." Solon told him. "Actually, you can just keep it. I'll just buy a new one... again..." Solon stopped to think about what had happened to Zarani's stomach. "The Dead Men got you... Though I'm not sure how..."

Flying Chickens

Zarani shook his head. "I have no idea either." He said, lifting up the shirt and looking through the hole in his stomach with a face of disgust and disbelief.


"Oh so one minute I'm fine as hell, the next I'm a ho'?" Jas rolls her eyes. "Let's just get this over with."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Alright then." Lanbar said heading towards the exit of the ship.