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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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(( And I think Mira is the only guy from Nimbuslus Land as well... Strange how unpopular those ones are xD. They turned out to be pretty important places, too...

@Shorti- It's not like the RP will just end after the battle. There's always that little bit at the end where you smooth things out so it doesn't end abruptly. Like an epologue of some sort. Well, I've never seen a finished RP so I guess I wouldn't know >< ))

Solon smirked and gave a shrug. "Sure. Where, when, and how would you like to fail?" Solon asked. "If it's convenient enough for me, maybe I'll spare you a detail you're just dying to have as a final wish."


Harver smiled. "You're as carefree as ever, Solon," he said. "Unfortunately, that doesn't help at a time like this. Nothing does."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Venice decided to remain close to the boat, so if/when things went wrong, he could make a quicker getaway. He paused when he heard Solon. Bad puns. Hate bad puns. he thought. He decided to go into the town to avoid being caught in the crossfire between Solon and Harver.

Max Headroom

"What do you mean? Nothing is happening at the moment."


Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


(( lolz wut? i dont c bad punz1! And... Congrats on rank up I Am A Person. I think just one more and you get to the good color, blue. ))

"Good, cause we don't need help. You've got a few 'bad ass' Dead Men on your side, sure. But we've got an army of skilled fighters just waitin' to take you down. All of you. C'mon Harver, when have the good guys lost? The Gods don't want the world destroyed, so everyone's on our side," Solon pointed out. He shook his head and sighed. "I don't see why you chose this path, Harver. You don't make out to be a good bad guy at all. You make a bad bad guy, and that's the worst kind."

Max Headroom

((k thanks)).

"Shall we kill him?" Mira said with some excitement in his voice.


I LOVE it when double negatives work out. Harver thought, trying to clear his head. "Or maybe it's the Dead Men who are on the good side? Honestly; have the gods ever told you they wanted the gems destroyed? Maybe the wish to cleanse the earth of the awful souls currently existing on Vulcum."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Solon held up a hand towards Mira, telling him to wait. "And who do you think these 'awful souls' are?" Solon growled back, not liking Harver's thoughts on the subject. "The Dead Men, by trying to rule the planet, are saying 'Hey, I'm better then the Gods!' and they're not. They're scum. You thought the same back when you were with us. But, I guess we were all fools to trust any of your crazy reasoning."


"Heh, I can tell you never really cared for my riddles," Harver replied.

((@Birdie: Odd how in this RP, we're trying to kill each other, yet my character is helping your character in another RP.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Max Headroom

And what about Jas? Is Harver leaving her for the Dead Men? Mira lowered his head at the thought.


((You know...I was just about to say the same thing LS. :P...Oh, and on another note...So is it only going to be Harver and Solon fighting here or what? ????))


(( We're saving the battle for when most people are on... Plus we've still got that Demon Jas thing to work out  :O. And as for the different RP things, man that's ironic xP. Quick, get Jake to hate Kyle! ))

Solon shrugged. "There's no point in them, is what I think," Solon admitted. "Just giving us the Scalander Gem would have been a whole lot faster and easier. Why hide it in a ring?"


"I have my reasons," Harver said, leaning against the railing, his sword resting in his hand and across his shoulder. "Could it be because I wanted to work your brains a little, showing I'm actually on your side? Or could it be that I wanted to keep you from finding it for awhile so that at the final confrontation, the Dead Men could take all the gems at the same time?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"And why do you always end with questions? It's like I'm watching Lost. By the time I solve one riddle, you've thrown two or three more at me! Your riddles don't matter anymore, Harver. Even if you did succeed in taking our gems, you still won't be able to use one of them. Besides, I'm positive that my team will come out on top!" Solon gave a diagonal slash with his sword to the air, just to emphasize his point.