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Megaman 10 confirmed

Started by Nayrman, December 09, 2009, 06:12:05 PM

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I know a rejected robot master was Nuke Man. I don't see Capcom using that, though.


Quote from: Nayrman on January 17, 2010, 03:03:41 PM
8 per game 1-9 (six in Megaman 1, but Powered Up for the PSP ret-conned in Timeman and Oilman),
so there is 80 right there.
Megaman and Bass had 8 robot masters, but Tenguman and Astroman were re-used from Megaman 8 for no particular reason, so that's six. So we have a total of 86 robot masters.

Now for Megaman 10, we have 8 more, so 94 total after MM10.
So basically after MM11 we'll pass the 100 mark.

Some of the Mega Man GB games had some additional bosses if I recall. Granted I haven't played them since I was in elementary school but still, theres a lot of robot masters.

Then if you count all the Master Mavericks from the X, Zero, and ZX games...holy crap...I never really thought about it before.


Quote from: Zero on January 21, 2010, 08:24:41 PM
Some of the Mega Man GB games had some additional bosses if I recall. Granted I haven't played them since I was in elementary school but still, theres a lot of robot masters.

Then if you count all the Master Mavericks from the X, Zero, and ZX games...holy crap...I never really thought about it before.

The "Starforce" as I call them from Megaman 5 for the GB? While it's "cannon" they don't really count since back then no one really counted the Game Boy games of any console based franchise as anything important, basically just the game boy game versions of their console counterparts.


Yeah, you're right.

I wonder how many of these 'retro' megaman games they have planned. I'd like an ACTUAL conclusion to the X series, you know, the ending the Zero series never shuts up about. The massive Elf wars and all that crap, I want that dangit.


Quote from: Third K on January 17, 2010, 02:44:25 PM
So, 3 more games till Robot Master 100, eh?
I call it, the 100th one will be Number Man, or some other math theme.

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


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