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Pit's Journey: Most recent chapter: Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey

Started by fredrickthethird, December 15, 2007, 10:21:12 AM

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Should I reveal how many Key shards there are in the intro to Chapter 9

My Vote Only


Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before Ryan punches me in the face.



Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before Ryan punches Redsox in the face.


...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:00:48 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before RedSox punches Both of you in the face.




Quote from: RedSox on December 15, 2007, 09:01:21 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:00:48 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before RedSox punches Both of you in the face.



Speaking of which I should take digital pictures.

...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:02:28 PM
Quote from: RedSox on December 15, 2007, 09:01:21 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:00:48 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before RedSox punches Both of you in the face.



Speaking of which I should take digital pictures.

Of me punching both of you n the face? Good idea! :P


Quote from: RedSox on December 15, 2007, 09:03:20 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:02:28 PM
Quote from: RedSox on December 15, 2007, 09:01:21 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 09:00:48 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Quote from: Ridley on December 15, 2007, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: Triforceman22 on December 15, 2007, 08:55:12 PM
I love starting fads. :P

Btw, it's pretty good...
Needs some corrections though.
(I need to correct some things with my fic too. :P)

Speaking of which, I should shut up, before RedSox punches Both of you in the face.



Speaking of which I should take digital pictures.

Of me punching both of you n the face? Good idea! :P

This is getting a bit off topic... oh and new fad!

...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Chapter 3: Who

Jim: Last time it was left as a cliffhanger, Diddy was just about to reveal the person who knows the way to the tournament and who might join them on their journey.

FlashbackLanky and Pit: WhoFlashback

Diddy: Tiptup, I used to race with him back in the day, he's a turtle and a wonderful flyer.

Pit; Was he the turtle that almost got up into Heaven in a plane?

Pit: Set up the hot air balloon thing so we can go.

Lanky: (blows up like a ballon and gets the engine thingy put on him by Diddy) This thing is unbelievably uncomfortable.

Cranky: ( Just getting up) Are you three still here!?!

Diddy: We're just leaving

Diddy; He better not lecture me on procrastination

Cranky; (after deep thought) Na, I'm too tired to lecture him.

Diddy: Pit hurry we're about to take off. Where is he?

Pit: I'm in the basket, you need to look better.

Lanky: Hurry Diddy I want to get there quickly (the three blast off)

Pit: Where does this guy live Diddy.

Diddy: He lives in a city 10 miles from my island, I don't know the name of it though.


Diddy: Pit wake up we're here (Diddy then removed the engine thingy from Lanky)

Lanky: Oh sweet freedom.

Diddy: (he knocks, the door, already being open a bit, opens right up) look There's a note on the table.

Note from Tiptup: This city is boring, if anyone needs me I moved to Hyrule Lake with the Zoras, They're fun loving people and also are big water fans like me.

Lanky: Oooohhhh my, Diddy please say that place is close.

Diddy: It's way far away but there's some kind of rock taped to the back of the note. Well come on let's get going. Here Pit you keep it. (Diddy and Lanky set up the balloon)

Pit: Let's take a look at this rock. ( It get's caught in the fire and the group suddenly pops out of a hole and crashes into the water. Lanky and Diddy both drop into the basket but the engine drops into the water) The engine.(it pops out the water and back into the basket, and a head pops out of the water with it)

?: Diddy?

Diddy: Tiptup. We've been looking for you, we need the directions to super smash bros. brawl.

Pit; Yep definitely him.

Tiptup: Oh okay, I lost them though but I have them memorized, so I guess I'll come with you. So who are these 2.

Diddy: The Orangatan is Lanky and the angel is Pit.

Tiptup: Well set up this ballon thing so we can get on our way

Diddy: Come on Lanky let's get it set up


Jim: Where will Tiptup take them and who will the group encounter while on their journey, find out next time.

Chapter 4: Tiptup Take's the Lead




Chapter 4: Tiptup Takes the Lead

Lanky: Hey Tiptup why can't we use your plane I hate this stupid engine.

Tiptup: I let my friend borrow it and I don't where it is now.

Lanky: Well find out where he is,  and who is this friend of yours anyway?

Tiptup: His name is Link and I will not just take a plane from him while he is on an adventure, that's just plain rude!

Lanky: Do you think I care just a tiny little bit. You can see that there's an engine up my behind right?

Diddy: Will you two just shutu(Tiptup slaps him)

Tiptup: No.

Lanky: Huh! Is that a plane I see? Diddy fly towards it or I'll deflate and you can get stuck in this engine. Tiptup when we get over there see if it's Link and if it is then ask him for the plane back.(The four get over to the plane and Tiptup confirms that it is Link. The plane then gets hit by something and goes rocketing to the ground) No! I'm gonna kill the person that grounded the plane!

Pit and Tiptup: Diddy fly us to the ground so we can see if he's okay.(The four land and find that Link is perfectly in tact but the plane is heavily damaged, and at the same time the engine flew off and landed a few miles from the landing point)

Tiptup: Link, are you okay?

Link: Yes but that was my ride to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Pit: You can come with us we're on our way there now. Hey where's the engine.

Lanky: It flew off a couple of miles from here into a city.

Diddy: The closest city from here is filled with dinosaurs.

Pit and Link: well let's go get it.

Lanky; I hope it's destroyed. (The five arrive in the city and all the dinosaurs are gone but there was still one person there)

?: Who are you five.

Pit: I'm Pit, this is Diddy, this is Lanky, this is Tiptup, and this is Link. Who are you?

Fox: I'm Fox, I'm out here beacause something fell into the city and injured the Prince.

Pit: Where is it?

Fox: Over there in the river, why?

Pit: That's our engine we need it back.

Fox: You almost killed the Prince! (pulls out a gun)

Link: Hyah! (charges at Fox with a sword)

Fox; Crap! (Uses Fox Fire to escape to his ship and flies away)

Diddy: Let's get the engine and go

Lanky: Stupid engine you were supposed to break.( Diddy set's up the engine)

Diddy: Come on guys lets go!

Pit Tiptup and Link: We're in the basket!

Pit; He really needs to get some glasses.( The five set off and see a Jet barrel in the distance)

Diddy: It's DK!
Fox: I'll get that boy Link I swear.( He dials a # in his phone)

?: Hey Fox why are you calling?

Fox: I need to payback the punks that almost killed the Prince and me.

?:I'll be right over.

Jim: Who is Fox's partner? Will the gang catch up with DK? How will DK react? Find out next time.

Chapter 5: DK Sighted



...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...


Chapter 5: DK Sighted

Jim: You just heard Fox speaking to a friend of his to see if he could help him but you do not know who it was. Let's take a look at the other side of the phone call.

FlashbackPhone: Ring Ring Ring Ring

?: Hello Fox why are you calling?

Fox: I need to payback the punks that almost killed the Prince and me.

?: I'll be right over.

DK;Why did he need Donkey Kong, he could of just called Falco or Krystal, why me?Flashback

DK: Hey is that, Diddy and Lanky?

Diddy: Hey Uncle DK it's me Diddy, land so we can talk. (Dk and Pit and the gang land on a large island) You're headed to Super Smash Bros. Brawl

DK: No actually. Someone almost killed him and the Dinosaur Prince I need to help him attack the attackers.

Diddy: (in shock) No. That was us there was a plane that crashed and the debris knocked the engine off shooting it at him and the Prince.

DK: What?!

Diddy: We tried to explain but he pulled a gun on us and our friend Link charged him.

DK: Well he won't forgive you now, we'll just have to avoid him the whole time

Diddy: Well I guess that's that. can you come with us. Our engine is pretty banged up your rocket barrel could replace it.

Pit Tiptup and Link: To many people.

Diddy: Your right. Hey maybe we can find something bigger here to replace the basket.

DK: Good, I'm tired of being squished up in that barrel I did not want to be squished up with a bunch people.

Lanky: Maybe we can find another ballon too.

All but Lanky: No!

Jim: The six went on to the island who's villagers were currently angered at the Giant one of them running about the town. The group found a shop run by a skinny italian man dressed in purple.

Will: Hi I'm Will and I run this shop. Here have 6 translators for the native's language on the house.

Pit; More translators my left ear lobe is starting to stretch.( the group all puts them on)

Pit: Thanks we O you one

Will; Yes you do [insert evil laugh here]
FlashbackText from DK: Sorry Fox I can't make it.

Fox: Then I'll just go vist my agent Waluigi on Yoshi's Island, or should I say Will

Jim: If you're wondering why his name is Will just spell Waluigi as Wa Luigi and then initial it.

Fox: ( Dials a # on his phone)

Waluigi: Hi Fox.

Fox: Hi Waluigi, I need you to come out of hiding start a shop on the coast that sells Yoshi translator that also records what they say into my computer. Also say your name is Will.Flashback
Pit: Look there's a bunch of multi-colored dinosaurs

DK and Link: They're Yoshis

Tiptup: There's only one green one.

Only Green Yoshi: Hi im Ogoshi. (Only Green Yoshi-nly reen Y=Ogoshi) Who are you two?

^v at the same time

Link and Tiptup; He must like green people.

Ogoshi: Who are your friends?

Tiptup: This is Pit and Lanky

Link: and this is Diddy and DK.

Ogoshi: Come on you guys I'm gonna make all of you feel welcome here.

Ogoshi; Especially Link and Tiptup, I love green people.

Ogoshi: Follow me to Yosharadise Hotel

Fox: Waluigi.

Waluigi; Crap he's here.

Waluigi: Hey Fox.

Fox: Well we know where they are let's attack at midnight.
Pit; I bet that Will is with Fox I'm not going to sleep tonight.
Jim: Midnight has come now it's time for Fox and Waluigi to attack.

Fox: Waluigi get the tennis balal pistol and your racket and come on, I've got the big guns for when you run them outside.

Waluigi: This is gonna be fun.

Fox: (the pair arrive at Yosharadise Hotel 2 minutes later) Alright let's crawl through tis vent, it will lead us right to there room. (When Fox and Waluigi get to the end there's a big orange thing blocking the vent) Crap.

Pit: I knew it! (he moves Lanky aside from wich he does not respond and rips off the vent door, he then pulls Fox and Waluigi out of the vent confiscating all weaponry) Someone left a wanted poster in the room and I knew you had to be a spy.

Fox: Let's go. (Fox escapes but Pit grabs Waluigi before he can)

Jim: The next day Pit explained everthing to his partners and turned Waluigi over to the yoshice. Now Pit is exiting the Yail.

Yoshing: (currently being arrested) Hey stop, I only dislike the band the Yoshice you gotta belive me.

Yoshicer: Save it for the Yudge.

Pit; Ok that's weird. Roxanne you don't have to turn on the red light. Stupid song get out of my head.

Yosherrif: Pit I need your help with another problem.

Pit: What?

Yosherrif: There's a giant Yoshi terrorizing the village every wednesday at 7:00 P.M. and that's an just 7 hours, can you and your friends defeat him.

Pit: Sure

Jim: Will the others aprove of this. Will the group win. What will the group use as a new basket. Will the group be able to reunite the Yoshice with their ex-leadsinger yoshing. Find out next time.

Chapter 6: Yoshizilla