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Pit's Journey: Most recent chapter: Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey

Started by fredrickthethird, December 15, 2007, 10:21:12 AM

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Should I reveal how many Key shards there are in the intro to Chapter 9

My Vote Only


Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:23:15 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 11:20:08 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
Please Comment
Let me guess, did you have THIS idea.....FROM MY STORY?!
And of top of that......YOU JUST USED LUCARIO BEFORE ME!...........But, you know, you should add this "!" and "?" more often, it makes the feelings come out.
I have bad memory when puncuation comes along
Come on! Use them! All the caracters sounds like robots, that isn't so funny!
I will if I remember


Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 11:35:49 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:23:15 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 11:20:08 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:18:25 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 04, 2008, 11:14:06 PM
Quote from: fredrickthethird on January 04, 2008, 07:40:12 PM
Please Comment
Let me guess, did you have THIS idea.....FROM MY STORY?!
And of top of that......YOU JUST USED LUCARIO BEFORE ME!...........But, you know, you should add this "!" and "?" more often, it makes the feelings come out.
I have bad memory when puncuation comes along
Come on! Use them! All the caracters sounds like robots, that isn't so funny!
I will if I remember


Chapter 13: Revenge is 40 Letter Word

Yoshatner: Jim put down the bomb we're all friends here.

Jim: Yeah we are (puts down bomb)
Yoshatner: Thanks, Well toda- Oh my gosh it's William Shatner, the human!

William: Hey you are the yoshi version of myself, can I have an auto-graph?

Yoshatner: Trade?

William: Sure. (swaps)

William and Yoshanter: Bye, and thanks. Oh and I'm your biggest fan!

Jim: I never got your autograph.

Yoshatner: Here just put down the canon.

Jim: Thank you man.

Yoshatner: Don't be silly.


Yoshatner: Okay... Well onto buisni-

Jim: Oh My go- (hit with pan)

Yoshatner: Well onto buisness... again. Well alot of people want revenge, or wanted in Jim's case, who will act on it. And it's The Belated New Years Party, where's the destination?

Lanky: I just got words from the hands we need a belated new years party, and they said to appoint a party comitee. I'll post the list in the computers in each of your bases.

List: Leaders: Tingle and WW Link. Various members: Ridley Claus Kloanoa Guntz Lucario Tiny And Boo-bot-2.

Boob bot 1 and 3: Ah man!

Tingle, Ridley, Claus, Klonoa, Guntz, and Lucario: Revenge time.

Dimentio: Time for my annual Belated New Years Party in my beach House in Hawaii. (teleports to Beach House. Announcement over whole beach) Okay 7:00 Party time at the big Beach House in the middle of the lake!

Megaman: My old buddy, we can catch up.

Master Hand: Hey I didn't any other Smashers we're taking vacations.

Crazy Hand: Well I guess we'll party there.

Megaman: YES!

Crazy Hand: What was that?

Megaman: IM A CAT!

Crazy Hand: OK, THANKS!

Megaman: NO PROBLEM!

Dimentio: (at Party) Megaman hey, I didn't you were here.

Megaman: Yeah, I took a vacation to get my stresses washed away, but then the people I was mad at showed up so I'm plotting my revenge.

Dimentio: On who?

Megaman: The hands.

Dimentio: Well have fun, wait, Tourny at the end of night, you should be able to take them out there.

Megaman: Thanks.
Lanky: (answers phone) Classic Luigi it was the hands that denied you.

Classic Luigi: (at Dimentio's party) Ok hey there right over there. Hey who are you.

Megaman: I'm Megaman, I'm plotting my revenge against the hands.

Classic Luigi: Me too, hey I'll go in on that with you.

Megaman: Ok we'll do doubles in the tourny at the end of night.

Classic Luigi: Sounds Peachy.
WW Link: Ok so I think we should hang up side 1 decorations here.

Tingle: tuner time. (bombs WW link)

Ridley: Hey can we have our revenge too?

Tingle: You can get yours after the party, I just had the perfect opportunity.

Ridley: I see.

Tingle: Ok I say we hang them up here.

Claus: Yeah that looks much prettier there.
Dimentio: Tourny time! Everyone we're doing doubles first so get in here.
Time forward.

Dimentio: Ok final round Megaman and Classic-Luigi VS. Crazy-Hand and Master-Hand

Megamna's attack: super strong blast. Master hand HP 300 down from 600

Master Hand's Attack: Rockets COUNTER: Classic Luigi gets jumps on the rockets then lannds on Master hand and repeadetly stomps on the poor hand. Master Hand KO
Smash Ball
Crazy Hand's FS: Goes Giga Hand and attempts to grab both players but grabs only Classic Luigi TEAM COUNTER: Shoots full power shot FOLLOW UP:  shoots a barrage of mini shots

Crazy Hand: Loses gia hand form and Hp plummets to 120

Crazy Hand's Attack: he flips out and knock out Megaman TEAM COUNTER: Classic Luigi gets flower and barrages him with fire balls and hops on him when he's stunned Crazy Hand HP 1

Crazy Hand's Attack: He grabs classic luigi tosses and slaps KOing him but Classic Luigi lands on him KOing him.

Dimentio: Tie
Tingle: Finally party Time.

Boo bot 2: lets gut some guns out

Tingle: not til the end.

Dimentio:Honey I'm Home!

Jim: (waking Up) Aw man Peter just showed me how to fly. Well Buisness now.

Yoshatner: Well George it was nice having you.

George Clooney: Nice being here, Well tell your cousin Yoshlooney hi.

Yoshatner: I will!

Jim: I knew I saw him before I went out. What will happen when everyone wakes up? How fun will the party be? When will side four exact revenge against Tingle? Will WW Link be mad? What is at the end? What will Wario, Bowser, and Tiny do with their guns? Find Out next time.

Yoshlooney: I need to speaak to my cousin Yoshatner.

Jim: In there.

Chapter 14: Smash Mansion's Belated New Years Party



Quote from: wiiboychris on January 05, 2008, 02:31:44 PM
Now is fine. Good work!
O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0


Chapter 14: Smash Mansion's Belated New Years Party
Yoshatner: Seeya Shlooney. Ok The hands are leaving but they're not alone. And an unexpected romance. Homemade Punch?

Crazy Hand: Let's get to the mansion.

Master Hand: Ok Dimentio left a quick train in his basement to egt there very quickly.

Megaman: Hear that Classic Luigi, Let's hitch hike

Classic Luigi: Sounds like a plan. (The hands get in the train and the pair get on top0

Crazy Hand: Home :(

Megaman: I can blow a ditch outta this soft ground easy. (charges and fires)

Classic Luigi: I'll furnish. (pulls furniture a ceiling and a door out of his backside) And they say 2D people can't store things.

Megaman: I'll install machinery to disguise ourselves and to get in out of the mansion. (pulls more stuff out the tox of Classic Luigi)

Classic Luigi: Surprising clean isn't it?

Megaman: Wow, your like the bag of Mary Poppins.

Classic Luigi: She took a chunk off me, I'm only 7 bit now.
Lanky: 4 new people huh.

Crazy: We're back. Oh and who put a new team in our hideout.

Lanky: (hurriedly) Sakurai

Crazy: This says there's four new people and high computer activity outside and underground, we were followed. (they all run outside)
Tingle: Hey ZSS, like my homemade punch?

ZSS: Yeah it's delicious! When I saw you make it upstairs looked delicious aswell.

Tingle: How are you like'n the party.

ZSS: It's pretty awesome.

WW Link: Hey you Tingle, you exploded me.

Tingle: Tuner Time.
ZSS: He's very annoying.

Tingle: I know.
?: Lloyd Genis!

Lloyd&Genis: Collette!!!

Collette: I heard about this party and came here, and master hand says I can stay!

Lloyd: Nice.

Genis: Any others coming?

Collette: No they had to go to family things, cept Raine, she had to go to a school thing.

Genis: Ah man.
Lanky: The computer says write there.

Crazy Hand: I'll blow out a hole. (uses rocket)

MegaMan: Classic Luigi use that machine to teleport the hideout somewhere else and deeper, and make it impossible to read.

Master Hand: Increase security, now.

Crazy Hand: After the party, we can't lower the smashers spirits right now.

Lanky: I'll be on the lookout.

Crazy Hand: They won't be out for a while don't worry

Lanky: Luigi's brother is here he could disguise himself.

Master Hand: Tell Dimentio, he'll make sure Classic Mario is the real thing. (everyone enters the party.

Crazy Hand: This is fun. I think I'll make this weekly thing.
WW Link: You Jerk Tingle, CHALLENGE

Tingle's attack: Goes tingle tuner Reapeatedly blows up link. FOLLOW UP: throws a big rupee KOing his opponent

Tingle:Easy KO.
?: Of course I'll date you. (? hugs ?)

Ike: Wow, my roomate gets a date. (I'm not reavealing what team Ike is in til the romance is revealed)
Classic Luigi: So I can Trust you.

?: of course I mean everyone needs an inside man.

Classic Luigi; He's old but I guess experience is good.

?: These glasses can read minds and frankly I'm not happy about what you just thought, E. Gadd doesn't like.

Classic Luigi: Sorry I didn't mean it, except for the experience part, you are brilliant.

E. Gadd: Thank You. Well at the end of party people are shooting randomly with trophy guns, I'll steal one like your supposed to and keep it til the end, I'll give it to you at 1:23 twighlight time, only if you have a clear goal that can bee done at that time can you be in twighlight time, otherwise it's just plain old 1:23. Twighlight people can also go into this time.
Zelda and Link: Midna! Hey!

Midna: Hey! I came for the party but Crazy made me stay.

Link: it'll be nice to have another friend around.

Crazy Hand: (on intercom) I like this party, we will have them when ever I feel like it now.

Jim: Who is the romance between? Will Midna catch E. Gadd and Classic Luigi? Will Dimentio go with his mentor E. Gadd or the hands? How many new guests will come with the frequent parties? Find Out next time.

Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey


Chapter 15:Sonic's Twighlight Journey
Yoshatner: This chapter I'll tell ya right now the romance will be reavealed. So as the title states they'll be something going on in the twilight for Sonic.

Crazy Hand: Ok Party Over, the gun winners are Sonic, E. Gadd, and Tingle.

ZSS: Nice Tingle.

Tingle: Thanks.

ZSS:Good night.

Tingle: Same to you.

Ike:Nice dude you gotta GF.

Tingle: You saw.  :-[

Ike: Let me just tell you right now, I see everything.

Tingle: Yes you do.
* the clock hits 1:23 and twighlight begins* (twighlight doesn't end til 1:30)

Sonic: Twighlight time, hey what's this a trade in the time of twighlight. lets do a little spying.

E. Gadd: Here's your trophy gun I'll say someone stole it but I'll I don't know who just flip that switch at the bottom to turn off the tracking device.

Classic Luigi: Thanks man. *goes back to base*

E. Gadd: Your welcome. *leaves twighlight*

Midna: Hey Sonic what are you doing in twighlight?!?

Sonic: My clearcut goal was to see what twighlight looked like.

Midna: Ok, I'm a twighlight creature so don't ask why I'm here.

Sonic: Ok

Midna: *teleports somewhere unknown*

ZSS: Hey Sonic!

Sonic: I'm glad your here.

ZSS:Oh well I just had to use the bathroom when I knew someone wasn't there so I just really have to get back to my base before 1:30 hits.

Sonic: Ok, you think your half sister would like you a bit better, I just hope no one dates her.

Yoshatner and Jim: Woh!

Sonic: What was that.

Yoshatner: meow.

Sonic: Oh Ok.

C. Falcon: Hey what are you doing here?

Sonic: I wanted to see what it looked like.

C. Falcon: same.

Sonic: Hey I saw our sister.

Yoshatner and Jim; woh again.

C. Falcon: was she with anybody?!?

Sonic: No she just needed the bathroom. Hey we've got 1 minute we need to get back to our beds.

C. Falcon: Agreed. *hurrying off to his room*

Ike: Can't belive Tingle id dating ZSS.

C. Falcon:  :O  >:(   
*Twighlight ends. Next morning*
Tingle: Where am I *wakes up stuck in twighlight in a locked drawer*
Midna: Why am I still in twighlight, only if someone is in the twighlight do I stay there. Ok midna let's sense them, they have to be in the smash mansion.
Master hand: Crazy look at this, it says to people are mssing that means Megaman and Classic are gone. (they didn't here megaman when they found him)

Crazy: Sweet, I guess we're okay.
Midna: Where could this person be. I'm just gonna frantically search. I need Zelda.
Zelda: (reading text) come to twighlight now.
Midna. What is it.

Midna: someone is stuck here and I can't find them.

Zelda: I have to know who to sense for, well no one's seen Tingle I'll search for him. He's in Falcons room in a drawer.

Midna: Ok I'll go get him. *leaves and comes back with Tingle*.How did you get here?

Tingle: I don't know I went into Twighlight for fun then woke up still in twighlight without knowing but I was in a locked drawer.

Zelda: Do you know why.

Tingle: No.

Midna: well let's go back.

Crazy: There you are guys we're having a party to sees who can make who look like the biggest idiot.

C. Falcon and Sonic: Steak and Kydney pie Tingle?

Tingle: Oh no.

Jim: what a surprise was not expecting that.

Clooney and Yoshlooney: where's Yoshatner?

Jim: > That I was. So what will C. Falcon and Sonic do to Tingle? Will Tingle figure this all out? How will ZSS react if she finds out? How does Yoshatner have so much connection to the hollowood/Yoshollywood stars? Whatever happened to Yoshing and the Yoshice? Find out next time?

Chapter 16: Smash Mansion's Annual Vacation
