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Nayrman's thoughts on today's update: March 6 *spoilers*

Started by Nayrman, March 06, 2008, 05:12:45 AM

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Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 08:37:42 PM
Quote from: NINNIN6 on March 06, 2008, 08:32:14 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 08:29:24 PM
WiiWare can hardly be considered hardcore X_X;;

Yes, MP3 was great an all, but I have little to look forward to on my Wii after Brawl... (Also, Retro made it, Not Nintendo. American studio FTW)
F-Zero: If Nintendo lets Sega do it again, okay, fine. But WHEN is what I"m askin
SF: Have you played hte last few games? Blech...

*looks at PS3's list of good online games and hit titles coming out after their biggest hit*
Yea...Nintendo is THIS close to catching up to FFXIII, LittleBig planet, God of War 3, Killzone 2...

The Wii is fun as all hell...with friends...
but like I said, it completely abandons the hardcore gamer.

Or has the hardcore gamer abandoned the Wii? Doesn't sound like too many are giving it credit for what games have come out. Also, ToS2, and FFCC:CB.
No offense, but it does X_X;;
I haven't abandonded the Wii, it just doesn't give the real gaming fix I need at times. Lack of good online, not even HD compatible, and quite a few other just general deseign flaws automatically turn it off ot hardcore ppl.
Most of them could be easily solved by Nintendo is getting arrogant again...just like at the end of the N64 sorta...

and no Mack, I haven't forgot SE Wiiware.
Although I'm sure it took some coaxing from Nintendo to do it...
F-Zero will be awesome, but again, WHEN and ONLINE?
MP is like Mario Party. It's "Nintendo" but kinda not a certain view I suppose.
I never said anything about the DS. I love my DS (MUCH better than PSP IMO), just talkin about Wii.
Stage Editor is AWESOME! SSE: I'll get back to you once I've played it.
Basically look back at Star's last post

"Nintendo is abandoning the hardcore" includes the DS. That all needs added into the equation.

As for Wii Ware, Ninty never thought big companies would use it....they were wrong...the big companies CAME TO THEM. That is far from the issue, truly unique and hardcore games will be found through this feature.

We don't know details of SF or FZ, but it was simply hinted at. It will likely judge on MK:Wii's sales, all of those factors, and FZ may or may not be available soon. Judging on a lack of online racing from Ninty, FZ is LIKELY to have online, but who knows?

Mario Party and Prime are 100% are all Mario games and Metroid games. They just are. This also brings me to Monolith.....a 2nd Party Co......have you played any of their games? Simply amazing.

Stage Editor, although simple, was unforeseen, and one of the best additions to Brawl...face it, Ninty still cares....they just want to increase their range. You WERE a casual gamer once.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 08:37:42 PM
Quote from: NINNIN6 on March 06, 2008, 08:32:14 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 08:29:24 PM
WiiWare can hardly be considered hardcore X_X;;

Yes, MP3 was great an all, but I have little to look forward to on my Wii after Brawl... (Also, Retro made it, Not Nintendo. American studio FTW)
F-Zero: If Nintendo lets Sega do it again, okay, fine. But WHEN is what I"m askin
SF: Have you played hte last few games? Blech...

*looks at PS3's list of good online games and hit titles coming out after their biggest hit*
Yea...Nintendo is THIS close to catching up to FFXIII, LittleBig planet, God of War 3, Killzone 2...

The Wii is fun as all hell...with friends...
but like I said, it completely abandons the hardcore gamer.

Or has the hardcore gamer abandoned the Wii? Doesn't sound like too many are giving it credit for what games have come out. Also, ToS2, and FFCC:CB.
No offense, but it does X_X;;
I haven't abandonded the Wii, it just doesn't give the real gaming fix I need at times. Lack of good online, not even HD compatible, and quite a few other just general deseign flaws automatically turn it off ot hardcore ppl.
Most of them could be easily solved by Nintendo is getting arrogant again...just like at the end of the N64 sorta...

and no Mack, I haven't forgot SE Wiiware.
Although I'm sure it took some coaxing from Nintendo to do it...
F-Zero will be awesome, but again, WHEN and ONLINE?
MP is like Mario Party. It's "Nintendo" but kinda not a certain view I suppose.
I never said anything about the DS. I love my DS (MUCH better than PSP IMO), just talkin about Wii.
Stage Editor is AWESOME! SSE: I'll get back to you once I've played it.
Basically look back at Star's last post

Considering this is Nintendo's first go at mainstream online, I'd say they're doing pretty good, and it seems it will get better. You knew when you bought the Wii that it wasn't for techie whores, so that point doesn't hold up. FFXIII are two different kinds of games, made by different branches of a company. If I prefer Adventure over Traditional RPGs, then FFCC:CB would be better.

Every game falls short of its potential, but that's no reason to complain about. I truly feel only those who have something lose through the game has the right the complain. Sakurai's reputation is at stake, and he isn't satisfied with the game? That's fine. Customers who are upset because not every character on their most wanted list was not added? That's selfish.


If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?
As far as Brawl complaining goes, I'm complaining because of the two characters I GOT (Ike and SOnic, two "DUR" additions), absolutlely no one I wanted go so much as an AT (save Isaac, whom still deserved the full playable), while still "trash" characters like TLink and ROB get in.

Mario Kart Wii sales? Of course it'll sell. It's following Nintendo's main strategy they took the entire gamecube years. PUT MARIO IN IT!
It's still bad when you're best two online games are Brawl (still FC's, no voice chat, no rankings, etc.) and Medal of Honor, which pales in comparison to other online offerings.

I suppose second parties are based on how you look at them. I've never considered them part of their "parent" company. Retro isn't Nintendo, they're Retro. They just happened to be OWNED by Nintendo. I doubt Nintendo themeselves (i.e., the japanese headquarters where Mario and Zelda games are, etc) could make such a good FPS.
Again, the other two systems have consistant quality coming out. What's after Brawl that we KNOW will be out soon? Nothing...maybe Mario Kart, but we'll all still be playing Brawl (and besides, Ninteindo hasn't delayed it five times yet. So it's gonna get dellayed a while)


That reminds me, I remember hearing something about Miyamoto going to Retro Studios when Metroid Prime 1 was being made, and he got really mad when he found out they were making it an FPS.

Kid Icarus should be an FPS....

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


"If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?"

Answered your own question, those two companies are focusing more on hardcore, they are zoning in on an untapped market. Brilliant.

As for the rest of your are getting way to excited, and your spelling was terrible....I am not even going to patronize it.


Quote from: mackormoses on March 06, 2008, 09:01:08 PM
"If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?"

Answered your own question, those two companies are focusing more on hardcore, they are zoning in on an untapped market. Brilliant.

As for the rest of your are getting way to excited, and your spelling was terrible....I am not even going to patronize it.
I counted all of two gramatical errors in my post. Both of which were just fast typing errors.
Again, your argument on my argument is proving my point. NINTENDO STOPPED CARING ABOUT HARDCORE. That's why they're willingly letting the competition dominate in that market. Because they either:
A) Don't care
B) Don't see the hardcore as a valuable market area, which is in turn abandoning them.
Trying to get new customers/untapped market is fine and all, but again, at the expense of us the REAL gamers in a sense. WiiFit is a perfect example. It's great for this "new" audience, but it's killing us gamers (not to mention the general reasoning behind the game is just plain stupid. If I wanted to excersize, I'd do just that EXCERSIZE!)


Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 08:56:33 PM
If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?
As far as Brawl complaining goes, I'm complaining because of the two characters I GOT (Ike and SOnic, two "DUR" additions), absolutlely no one I wanted go so much as an AT (save Isaac, whom still deserved the full playable), while still "trash" characters like TLink and ROB get in.

Mario Kart Wii sales? Of course it'll sell. It's following Nintendo's main strategy they took the entire gamecube years. PUT MARIO IN IT!
It's still bad when you're best two online games are Brawl (still FC's, no voice chat, no rankings, etc.) and Medal of Honor, which pales in comparison to other online offerings.

I suppose second parties are based on how you look at them. I've never considered them part of their "parent" company. Retro isn't Nintendo, they're Retro. They just happened to be OWNED by Nintendo. I doubt Nintendo themeselves (i.e., the japanese headquarters where Mario and Zelda games are, etc) could make such a good FPS.
Again, the other two systems have consistant quality coming out. What's after Brawl that we KNOW will be out soon? Nothing...maybe Mario Kart, but we'll all still be playing Brawl (and besides, Ninteindo hasn't delayed it five times yet. So it's gonna get dellayed a while)
IIRC, Nintendo isn't letting them, and it's third party support that keep both afloat.
Two characters you wanted got in? NO characters I wanted got in, and it's not like my choices were the most abstract. Besides, the general opinion is that neither of the aforementioned pair are considered trash.

Also, the first Metroid Prime, which is generally accepted as the best, was complete and utter trash before Miyamoto came to America and essentially did most of the beginning work himself and directed Retro, and he was mad the entire while. This shows that Nintendo's grandmaster is more than capable of making an FPS.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 09:06:17 PM
Quote from: mackormoses on March 06, 2008, 09:01:08 PM
"If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?"

Answered your own question, those two companies are focusing more on hardcore, they are zoning in on an untapped market. Brilliant.

As for the rest of your are getting way to excited, and your spelling was terrible....I am not even going to patronize it.
I counted all of two gramatical errors in my post. Both of which were just fast typing errors.
Again, your argument on my argument is proving my point. NINTENDO STOPPED CARING ABOUT HARDCORE. That's why they're willingly letting the competition dominate in that market. Because they either:
A) Don't care
B) Don't see the hardcore as a valuable market area, which is in turn abandoning them.
Trying to get new customers/untapped market is fine and all, but again, at the expense of us the REAL gamers in a sense. WiiFit is a perfect example. It's great for this "new" audience, but it's killing us gamers (not to mention the general reasoning behind the game is just plain stupid. If I wanted to excersize, I'd do just that EXCERSIZE!)
You really don't get it, do you? So, I am going to spell it out in CAPS for everyone.


It is quit simple, just because you say something, does not mean it is true, same by me, BUT SAYING NINTY DOES NOT CARE, and OMITTING the DS is a Huuuuuuuge understatement. Learn business my friend, it might actually help you comprehend this. NINTENDO = Company

Companies = $$$

$$$ = More and better games

More and better games = Hardcore

Hardcore = Us AND the newly found previously casual gamers.


Quote from: mackormoses on March 06, 2008, 09:11:44 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on March 06, 2008, 09:06:17 PM
Quote from: mackormoses on March 06, 2008, 09:01:08 PM
"If Nintendo REALLY cares, then why are they letting the 360 and PS3 DOMINATE in everything hardcore gamers want?"

Answered your own question, those two companies are focusing more on hardcore, they are zoning in on an untapped market. Brilliant.

As for the rest of your are getting way to excited, and your spelling was terrible....I am not even going to patronize it.
I counted all of two gramatical errors in my post. Both of which were just fast typing errors.
Again, your argument on my argument is proving my point. NINTENDO STOPPED CARING ABOUT HARDCORE. That's why they're willingly letting the competition dominate in that market. Because they either:
A) Don't care
B) Don't see the hardcore as a valuable market area, which is in turn abandoning them.
Trying to get new customers/untapped market is fine and all, but again, at the expense of us the REAL gamers in a sense. WiiFit is a perfect example. It's great for this "new" audience, but it's killing us gamers (not to mention the general reasoning behind the game is just plain stupid. If I wanted to excersize, I'd do just that EXCERSIZE!)
You really don't get it, do you? So, I am going to spell it out in CAPS for everyone.


It is quit simple, just because you say something, does not mean it is true, same by me, BUT SAYING NINTY DOES NOT CARE, and OMITTING the DS is a Huuuuuuuge understatement. Learn business my friend, it might actually help you comprehend this. NINTENDO = Company

Companies = $$$

$$$ = More and better games

More and better games = Hardcore

Hardcore = Us AND the newly found previously casual gamers.
1. I am not flaming
2. Let us compare Nintendo's "hardcore" list of games compared to the other two systems. Frankly, it doesn't even come close in any terms. Hell, the ONLY reason Nintendo is even doing online is so they can say they're trying (when obvoiusly, they're not). Same goes for WiiWare. The PS3/360 get great titles like "Everyday Shooter" on it, while Nintendo has no origional IP's for download. Again, just to say "We ARE trying...just not very hard".

Also, look at the big companies that HAVE all the money. Nintendo and EA. Nintendo's system outside of Nintendo is getting shovelware dog fodder for most of it's games, and EA hasn't had anything decent in years. Usually the company with the most money usually makes the most crap...
*look at the start of the gamecube era cough cough*


Alright then: take every third party game for each system, and throw it out the window. What do you have left? Wait, you have no PS3 games left? O SHI- You have 3 360 games? Haha. Meanwhile, I enjoy my nice collection of SMG, MP3, LoZ: TP, PBR, SPM, and Brawl on Sunday.

Third parties release most of the games for all of the systems, and they, if anyone, have chosen to abandon the hardcore gamer. If you look at the games that Nintendo actually released, you would see that the amount of casual games and hardcore games is fairly balanced.


Quote from: NINNIN6 on March 07, 2008, 05:51:35 AM
Alright then: take every third party game for each system, and throw it out the window. What do you have left? Wait, you have no PS3 games left? O SHI- You have 3 360 games? Haha. Meanwhile, I enjoy my nice collection of SMG, MP3, LoZ: TP, PBR, SPM, and Brawl on Sunday.

Third parties release most of the games for all of the systems, and they, if anyone, have chosen to abandon the hardcore gamer. If you look at the games that Nintendo actually released, you would see that the amount of casual games and hardcore games is fairly balanced.
WiiPlay, WiiFit, anything with "Wii" in the title, Galaxy is BOTH hardcore and casual, Animal Crossing (it's casual, get over it)
Zelda was origional a Cube title, so that leaves MP3 and Brawl...
Both of which were basically, again, to say "we're trying, but not that hard".

Also, Sony and Microsoft don't need to make games like Nintendo NEEDS to, in order to keep the system alive.


As long as it is fun and not shovelware, I will play it.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 07, 2008, 05:55:11 AM
Quote from: NINNIN6 on March 07, 2008, 05:51:35 AM
Alright then: take every third party game for each system, and throw it out the window. What do you have left? Wait, you have no PS3 games left? O SHI- You have 3 360 games? Haha. Meanwhile, I enjoy my nice collection of SMG, MP3, LoZ: TP, PBR, SPM, and Brawl on Sunday.

Third parties release most of the games for all of the systems, and they, if anyone, have chosen to abandon the hardcore gamer. If you look at the games that Nintendo actually released, you would see that the amount of casual games and hardcore games is fairly balanced.
WiiPlay, WiiFit, anything with "Wii" in the title, Galaxy is BOTH hardcore and casual, Animal Crossing (it's casual, get over it)
Zelda was origional a Cube title, so that leaves MP3 and Brawl...
Both of which were basically, again, to say "we're trying, but not that hard".

Also, Sony and Microsoft don't need to make games like Nintendo NEEDS to, in order to keep the system alive.
I never mentioned any Wii generation titles or Animal Crossing, as I felt they would be covered when I said "the amount of casual games and hardcore games is fairly balanced". I clearly did not say casual games did not exist.
If Galaxy is both hardcore and casual, why do you feel to group it with the casuals? You're just showing yourself to be biased.
Zelda was an original cube title, Halo 3 was an original XBOX title. I fail to see your point. Both were delayed and modified for current generation systems.
If you feel that Nintendo was not trying that hard, Sakurai in particular with Brawl, then you don't deserve to play the games.IIRC, 800 people worked on Brawl, about 100 of them for 3 years. The game went through 5 years of planning. It was delayed twice to add more features to the game, Nintendo releases daily updates, and the developer still isn't satisfied. Yet, it's one of the Famitsu 7. If you feel the game is a failure because the roster wasn't as large as you would have liked it or characters you wish were in the game did not make it in, simply do not play it. That way you won't have anything to complain about.

My dear, Sony and Microsoft CAN'T make games to keep their systems alive. All of their attempts have been crap. Unless you feel the Eye-Toy is the marvel of the gaming world, upon which I would have to question your legitimacy as hardcore gamer.


...Friend codes were probably implemented by the same people who wanted tripping in Brawl...
...It's quite obvious...
