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Know your stars of SSBB

Started by DededeCloneChris, October 30, 2007, 08:02:41 PM

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Link was roaming a random grassland in a random village in a random country when suddenly a random door appeared right in front of him!

"Woah!" This startled Link, and this made him fall on his behind. "Ow." Link rubbed his sore behind. He then looked at the door. "Hmm... how very suspicious... I BET GANONDORF IS BEHIND THIS!!" Link burst down the door. Inside was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. "A chair...? IT MUST BE AN EVIL CHAIR!! I SHALL DEFEAT IT BY... Link ran over to the chair, "SITTING ON IT!!" Link did as he said he would. "Take that, Mr. Evil Chair!!"

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"Huh? Ganondorf? Is that you?"

"Link of Hyrule..."

"What do you want, Ganondorf?!"

"Link... He is the Hero of Back Wind."

"Huh? No, that's the cartoony Link. You know, the one who rides the boat over the big and beautiful sea..."

"Beautiful sea? So you're in love with the sea?"

"Yep. It's really pretty. I have a picture of it right here." Link took out a picture that had him and the sea in it. Link was giving a goofy smile with the peace sign (the peace sign when you're holding two fingures up).

"So, you're planning to marry it."

"YES! I've even got a wedding ring!" Link took out a diamond ring. "It's REAL diamond, too!"

"If you're in love with the sea, then who got Zelda?"

"Aw, let Ganondork have her."

"But earlier you said you wanted to defeat the 'Evil Chair'.

"THE CHAIR IS EVIL?!?!" Link took out his sword and slashed the chair to bits. "Ha ha! Take that, Mr. Evil Chair!"

"...Guess he has short-term memory loss."

"Now where am I suppose to sit?" Link said.

"Try the floor."

"I know! I'll try the floor!" The voice slaps his head.

"Alright. Moving on. Link... He has lice."

"No. It's mice. Not LICE, it's MICE."


"See, I give mice and rats some food, and they give me potions and all that other junk. I have some pet mice at home, too. Sometimes, they sleep with me."

"...I didn't need to know that."

"You didn't? Oh well."

"...OK... Link... He takes baths in Cheese Whiz."

"What?" The voice's face lit up, "How'd you know?" The voice did an anime fall.

"So, you actually DO take baths in Cheese Whiz?!"

"Yeah. Doesn't everyone?" The voice sweatdropped. Obviously, he hadn't of delt with someone this... forgetful.

"Ugh... you can go now."

"OK. 'Sides, I gosta get in a Cheese Whiz bath." Link leaves.

"Good ridence." The voice sighs.


Did you get this idea from TV? It seems familiar. The Amanda Show.


No, Amanda Bynes doesn't have anything to do with this, next is Roy!


Roy was swinging his sword near a random tree in a random part of the random woods when all of a sudden, a random door appeared outta no where!

"Huh?" Startled by the door, Roy fell on his back-side. "Woah, what the heck was that?" Roy looked up in the tree. On one of the branches, the random door was just sitting there. "Hmm... I guess I better go in it." Roy climbed the tree and entered the door. Inside was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. "Guess I better sit on it." Roy walked over to the chair and sat in it.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"Great. Now I'm hearing voices in my head."

"You're not hearing voices, Roy."

"Great. Now they're telling me that there are no voices in my head."

"Uh... Roy of... where are you from?"

"You should know! You're the one in my head!"

"Um... yeah... Roy... He has voices in his head."

"Well, duh! You're a voice in my head!"

"Ugh... Roy?"


"You don't have voices in your head."

"Of course I do."

"No, you don't."

'Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"How many?"

"Well, there's you, Billy, Bob, Joe, Jim, Tom, Matt, Shawn, Fred, Ed, Edd, Eddy, and Jon."

"'Ed, Edd and Eddy' is a T.V. show, genius."

"Yeah, I know. I named you them 'cause there voices are the exact same."

"...Moving on. Roy... He's 28 and didn't have a girlfriend yet."

"Oh, would you just STOP rubbing it in!!"


"I told you, I AM 28 and I DID NOT have a girlfriend yet!!"

"But, I didn't even know!"

"How could you not know?! You've been living in my head for the last 28 years!"

"Er... right..."

"You better believe it! I don't like telling voices in my head that everyday for 28 years!"

"You told the voices in your head you've been telling them that for the past 28 years?!"

"YES!! And why must you talk in third person?!"

"I'm not talking in third person because there aren't any voices in your head!!!"


"JUST FORGET THE FREAKIN' THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pant... huff..."

"Wait, how can the voice in my head get tired from yelling?"

"Just shut up. Roy... The voices in his head control his every move."

"Well, you should know. You're all controling me!"

"So --"

"YES!! You all control my thoughts and actions!!!"

"Well... We command you to leave this room!"

"About time!!" Roy gets up out of the chair and heads toward the exit. When he leaves, the voice heard: "OW! Ow! OUCH! Owie! PAIN! Ow..."

"Guess Roy forgot that the door was on a tree."


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on October 30, 2007, 08:52:11 PM
Did you get this idea from TV? It seems familiar. The Amanda Show.
All That.

It was right around the time when it started getting worse.


I already told you, it has nothing to do with that show, next is Popo!


Popo was throwing a random snowball at random people in a random snow village when all of a sudden, a random door appeared outta nowhere!

"Iiee!" Popo shouted as he fell in a snow bank. When he got up, little snow people came out of the snow bank.

"You ruined our bank! Now we'll have to move to another!" One of the snow people shouted, and he and the rest of them pulled thousands of snow dollars to the nearest bank: right next to the other.

Turning his attention tot the door, Popo said, "I should investigate!" Popo walked over to the door and opened it. Inside was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. "A chair that's not made out of ice?! Yippie!" Popo yelled as he ran, er, sprinted over to the chair. He jumped up, high, and landed in the chair. Surprisenly, it didn't break. "WOW! It's so warm!"

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"Huh? More snow people?"

"Popo of Infinite Glacier..."

"What? What do ya want? What? WHAT?!"

"Popo... He believes in snow people."

"What? No, they're real!"

"Then how come I never seen one?"

"'Cause you weren't in the Infinite Glacier before!"

"Are you accussing me of somewhere that I went to?!"

"Ye -- Huh? I never understood that."



"I said good."

"I meant why."

"'Cause it's good."

"Good that I didn't understand?"


"...I don't understand."

"You don't understand anything."

"Righ -- Wait, what?"

"Never mind."

"Oh. OK."

"Popo... He stole that hammer."

"Huh? No, this is especially crafted for me."

"...Is what you want people to think."

"No, it's not."

"Yep, it is."

"Nope, It's not."

"Yep, it is."












"So you DID steal it!"

"Huh? H-hey! You tricked me!"

"Of course! This is MY story after all!"

"Huh? Story?"

"Never mind."

"No, tell me."










"No, don't tell me!"

"Have it your way."

"What? Hey! You tricked me! Again!"

"Yeah, I do that alot."


"Popo... He has a 1,000,000,000,000 dollar bill in his parka pocket."


"And he's defensless!"

"WHAT?! WAI --" Popo couldn't finsih because cops all jumped on him and dragged him away."

"YAY! That's another person miserable!"




Peach was reading a random book in a random room in a random part of the castle when all of a sudden a random door appeared outta nowhere!

"Yikes!" Peach got startled by the door and fell off the side of the random bed she was lying on. "Ugh..." Peach got up and examined the door. "Hmm... I might want to go in there." Peach opened the door and looked inside. In the door was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. "Yuck! Talk about tacky..." Peach looked around the room. "But, then again, there's no where else to sit..." Peach walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"Wha --? Bowser, if that's you --"

"Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom..."

"Uh... yes?"

"Peach... Her crown is made out of plastic."

"What? This crown is not made of plastic!"

"Then what's it made out of?

"It's made out of... it's made out of... uh..."

"AH HA! I knew it was made of plastic!"

"What?! It is most certainly NOT made out of plastic!"

"Then why'd you not answer?"

"...Because... I, uh... don't know what it's made of!"

"Real convincing, princess."

"Well, it should be."

"OK, we done here?"

"I suppose so."

"Well, then. Peach... She is not really a princess."

"What are you saying?! Don't you see the crown on my head?!"

"What, that cheap, plastic crown? Yeah, I see it."

"Wha -- This crown is NOT made of plastic!! And it's not cheap, either!"

"Well, if you're not a princess, what are you then?"

"Hey! I just told you, I AM a princess!"

"What? YOU said that? I thought it was thoughs peasky snow people... They snuck out of Popo's pocket before the cops dragged him off."

"Snow people?"

"Long story short: Both me and Popo believe in them."



"Hey, can we keep this going? My soap opera comes on in 10 minuites."

"OK. Peach... She secretly wants to marry Bowser."

"WHAT?!?!?! Why on Earth would I want to marry Bowser?!"

"What's that? You say you REALLY want to marry Bowser?"

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!" Bowser suddenly fell outta no where... again. "Finally! My life long dream came true!!"

"What?! Your life --" Peach couldn't finsih saying what she was saying because Bowser grabbed her by the waist and jumped up into the oblivion.

"Wow... That was cool how Bowser appeared and dissapeared before my very eyes!! I wanna try that! I wanna try that!"

"Uh, sir?" A random guy in the background said, "I think it's time for your medication."

"WHAT?! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The voice then got dragged off by that random guy who was in the background.


Quote from: wiiboychris on October 30, 2007, 09:05:10 PM
I already told you, it has nothing to do with that show, next is Popo!
Wikipedia -
Know Your Stars was a sketch that involved a random voice that made fun of individual cast members or guest stars.An example of this is: "Jamie Lynn Spears, hasn't brushed her teeth in 6 months." Almost all of them complain about this, with the exception of Totally Kyle (The Amanda Show) when he agrees with everything the voice says and Pickle Boy who just tilts his head. This short sketch would appear during every episode.



...............I REALLY didn't know about this, Amanda show here doesn't show anymore, next is Captain Falcon!


Captain Falcon was watching a random TV football game on a random big screen TV in a random store when all of a sudden a random door appeared right in front of him!

"EEEK!" Falcon screamed like a little girl. Not surprisingly, every person that was inside the building (and a few that was outside) was looking at him. "Uh... I was just trying to add drama, you know like in TV - I'll just go in." Falcon went in the door. Inside, there was a chair engulfed in a spotlight. Falcon, without saying a word, went over and sat in the chair.

"Know your stars... Know your stars..." A voice boomed.

"EEEK!" Falcon, yet again, screamed like a little girl. Everyone in the building that the door was in looke at him. "Uh... I was just - Oh, forget it."

"Captain Falcon of Mute City..."

"Yeah? What?"

"Captain Falcon... He's wearing ladies underwear."

"What?! I'm not wearing ladies underwear!"

"Hmm? You are?"

"What?! NO!"




"Shut up."





"I'll give you a cookie."

"OOOOOH! COOKIE!!" Falcon ran up to the voice's room and stole the cookie from his hands and devoured it in less then O.4 seconds. "Wait, how'd you time that?" Falcon asked.

"How'd I time what?"

"...Never mind."

"OK. By the way." the voice said calmly.


"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"EEEK!" Falcon got thrown out the window and landed back in the chair.

"Captain Falcon... He doesn't pay his insurence."

"What?! How'd you know?!"

"Because you just told me, genius."

Falcon had to let his brain process this information for a moment. When sense hit him in the noggin, he yelled "GOD, I'M DUMB!!"

"Yes. Yes you are."


"You just said that."

Falcon took another moment to let his brain process this information. Then, "GOD, I'M DUMB!!"

"Ugh... You just said that."

"Yes. Yes I did."

"Captain Falcon... He's --"

"The coolest guy in the world!!"

"What? No, he stole his F-Zero machine."

"Huh? I'm to busy looking at myself in this window piece." Falcon looked at a random piece of window on the floor, and his reflection was in it.

"...I said, you stole your F-Zero machine." Nothing happened. "I said, 'Falcon stole his F-Zero machine!'"

"Oh, is this our cue?" A voice called out from the ceiling.

"Yes." The voice said.

"Oh, OK." Then, thousands of cops fell onto the floor and surrounded Falcon. "U R UNDER AREST 4 STEELING A F-0 MACHIINE!!" One cop said in terrible spelling.

"Huh?" Falcon looked up from the window piece. "Woah! When'd all these guys get here?!"

"Get 'im, boyz!" Another cop yelled eating a doughnut.

"Wait!" Falcon couldn't be heared from the dust cloud fight.

"HEY!" The voice called out, "NO FIGHTIN' IN MY STUDIO!!" The voice pushed a button on his monitor-thingie and a trap door appeared underneath Falcon and the cops.

"EEEK!" Falcon & the cops screamed in unison before falling into the hole.

"I bet you're all wondering where all the cops are comin' from, right?" Camera nods 'yes'. "Well, we made a deal. They get to torment the Smashers, and I get to eat their doughnuts. They never actually like doughnuts. They just eat 'em for the kids." The voice ate a doughnut in one sitting. "Yum! It's doughnut-tastic!"